Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing vegetables and herbs is another way to preserve fruits for the winter. Recently, many housewives have been using this preparation method.
At negative temperatures, the action of various factors, under the influence of which spoilage and oxidation of products occurs, ceases.
Most vitamins, especially C and A, are destroyed under the influence of air and light, so when vegetables are stored for a long time and wither, their vitamin content gradually decreases. When properly and quickly frozen, the fruits retain their beneficial properties and vitamin composition.
A big plus is that before the freezing process, the fruits are washed, peeled and crushed. Before preparing culinary dishes, all that remains is to remove some of the frozen vegetables (greens) and subject them to the necessary heat treatment.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Rules for freezing vegetables:
  • Wash the selected fruits, remove damaged parts, cut off the stalks.
  • chop the vegetables into the kind of slices that you will need during the winter season when preparing vegetable stews, sauces and frying for first courses.
  • Moisture is released from chopped vegetables (greens), which turns into ice in the freezer. It is necessary to first dry the chopped mass by placing it on a towel or tray. Vegetables are ideally dried in special electric dryers.
  • To prevent the pieces from sticking together in the freezer, set the trays with dried vegetables to the fast freezing mode and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Then pack in plastic bags or molds and put them back in the freezer.
  • When you load new foods into the freezer, the temperature in the freezer rises slightly, so freeze prepared vegetables in small batches.
  • vegetables and mixtures for cooking and stewing should be placed in a saucepan or frying pan, without defrosting, directly into boiling broth or fat.
  • If possible, do not refreeze the preparations, otherwise they will lose their taste and benefits.

Freezing greens

1. Any spicy herbs, onions, young shoots of garlic, as well as sorrel and spinach are suitable for freezing.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

2. To thoroughly rinse the greens from sand and soil, place the bunches in a deep container and rinse in several waters.
3. Chop the prepared twigs finely, place them on a towel and let the excess moisture evaporate.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

4. Spread the green mixture into an even ball on the tray and freeze on the fast setting.
5. Pack the greens into small trays (plastic bags). Release the air from the container, pack it tightly, and place it in a storage chamber for further storage.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

6. Use frozen greens in the same way as fresh. Sprinkle all kinds of salads, canned food, add a couple of minutes before the hot dish is ready.

Freezing bell peppers

1. Sweet peppers can be frozen whole (for stuffing) or cut into slices (for stewing and frying).
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

2. Cut off the stem of whole washed fruits and remove the seeds, rinse again, and dry on a towel. Freeze at a temperature of -23°C...-26°C, then arrange the peppers one on one. Wrap the fruits in cling film or pack them in plastic bags and place them in the freezer.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

3. To season first courses, chop the pepper into strips or cubes. Dry before freezing. Distribute the pieces into a thin ball on a flat dish and place in the freezer for 2 hours. Then pack them into bags, tie them tightly and put them back in the freezer.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing carrots

1. Carrots often spoil when stored outdoors. Freezing in grated form will help preserve valuable fruits without loss.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

2. Wash and peel the carrots, grate using a grater with large holes or chop into thin strips.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

3. Dry the crushed mass, freeze it in fast mode, placing it on a tray. Once the carrots have hardened, fill small portions of plastic containers, pack tightly, cover with lids and place in the freezer.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing mixed vegetables

1. To prepare healthy meals during the winter, freeze an assortment of chopped fresh vegetables.
2. Mix the prepared fruits to your liking. Take, for example, equal parts of eggplant and lettuce slices, add grated carrots. Freeze in the same way as bell peppers.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

3. Healthy and flavorful dishes are made from frozen cauliflower. For a kilogram of cabbage, take 200 g of carrots, onions and peppers. Disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences and chop the remaining vegetables. Freeze each cut individually, then mix and pack into bags or containers.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

4. To prepare dishes from frozen vegetables, dip the mixture, without defrosting, into boiling broth or tomato sauce.Simmer until cooked, add seasonings, salt, and finally sprinkle with herbs.
Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home

Freezing vegetables and herbs for the winter at home
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