How to restore and paint a crumbling concrete floor
The surface of ordinary concrete without reinforcement gradually crumbles, and potholes appear on it. To protect it from further destruction, any existing sinkholes should be sealed and protective paint applied. In order for it to hold well, it is important to adhere to simple technology.
What you will need:
- cement-sand mixture M300;
- trowel;
- broom;
- vacuum cleaner;
- concrete paint;
- brush.
The process of restoration and painting of concrete screed
The first thing you need to do is sweep the floor. It is important to remove all loose crumbs. There should be no loose or spilling particles left on it. After this, the surface must be vacuumed. In order not to kill the vacuum cleaner, it is advisable to connect it through a cyclone or prefilter. The better the surface is prepared, the more securely the paint will adhere.
The next step is to repair potholes and chips. To do this, a cement-sand mortar is mixed. Since you don’t need much of it, you can simply buy ready-made DSP in a bag and not bother with the proportions. The mixture is mixed with water and poured onto problem areas of the floor.In places of pouring, old concrete must be well moistened so that the old screed does not draw out all the moisture from the cement while it sets. If you have leftover flooring, you can use it, it will be even better and faster. The solution is leveled with a trowel and left for several days to set.
As soon as the exterior of the solution becomes dry, you need to vacuum the floor again and you can proceed to painting. It is optimal to use epoxy enamel for concrete, as it is more wear-resistant than alkyd paints. It is imperative to organize good ventilation, or use a respirator for painting work.
It is better to apply the enamel with a brush from the far end of the floor towards the exit. Although it takes longer than using a roller, the consumption will be less. There are many small potholes in the old concrete. If you use a roller, then when painting, you will have to frequently dip it into the enamel so that it flows into them. When using a brush, the indentations will be covered rather than filled, which will reduce consumption.
It is optimal to apply paint in 2-3 layers. This will make the coating more durable and last longer. The drying time between coats should be at least 6 hours. You can start using the surface after 24 hours. A painted concrete floor will no longer crumble in the future, since the paint will block the access of water and various chemicals to it.
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