Life hack: how to reduce jeans by 1-2 sizes

Everyone loves wearing jeans because they are comfortable and versatile. But sometimes everyday incidents happen. For example, you have lost weight and your jeans are too big for you. Or you ordered the jeans you liked from an online store, but they sent you the wrong size.
Don't rush to throw away or send back a package containing unsuitable jeans. Everything can be fixed in literally an hour. I’m revealing my little secret especially for my regular readers.
Life hack on how to reduce jeans by size 12

How to reduce jeans by 1-2 sizes

1. Jeans should be washed at a temperature of 70-80 degrees.
2. If you can set programs manually on your washing machine, then set it to high-speed mode.
3. But it is better to refuse drying, otherwise the jeans may not withstand such “pressure”.
4. For washing, it is better to use powder or washing gel for colored fabrics.
5. In addition, along with the detergent, I pour 150 grams of table salt into the bath. It will help preserve the color.
Life hack on how to reduce jeans by size 12

Well, now the most important thing

You don't just need to wash your jeans. First I twist them as tightly as possible.
Life hack on how to reduce jeans by size 12

Then I tie it with string or put it in a laundry bag.
Life hack on how to reduce jeans by size 12

Machine washing time is at least an hour.
I usually dry my jeans on the balcony if the weather is warm outside. Or in the bathroom in a straightened state. Before drying, shake the jeans well and straighten the wet legs with your hands. I iron without steam.
Life hack on how to reduce jeans by size 12
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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Sergei
    #1 Guest Sergei Guests 17 December 2020 18:26
    How can I go up a couple sizes? Otherwise, it’s winter, by spring it won’t be a reduction that will be important, but an increase in size.