Festive garland

How to decorate your house for the holiday?
Any holiday must be decorated accordingly. New Year is a Christmas tree and sparkling rain, birthday is balloons, Valentine's Day is a variety of hearts, March 8 is flowers. And almost every event can be decorated with a bright original garland. Stretching it across the entire room, it automatically takes on a festive look, which can be complemented with absolutely nothing. Returning to the list of holidays: New Year - a garland with snowflakes and snowmen, for Birthdays - colorful flags, figurines of your favorite animals, St. Valentine's Day - of course, hearts and cupids, March 8 - flowers and figurines of girls.

Where can I get a garland?
The assortment of stores is replete with a variety of accessories for celebrations, among which, of course, it is not difficult to find a variety of garlands. But how many of them do you need to decorate a house or even one room? A single thread will clearly not be enough. And will it be possible to find among all the variety something that you really like and suit?
The best solution would be to make a garland yourself. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.Here is a detailed master class that will teach you how to make a variety of garlands for any holiday.

What will you need for the garland?
-paper (colored or corrugated);

How to make a garland?
1. Corrugated paper is great for creating garlands, since it is much stronger due to its special texture, but any other colored paper will also work. Even if it happens that it breaks, you can easily seal the damaged fragment with glue or tape.
2.Next, bend the paper like an accordion.
3. Having decided on the design, decide for yourself what size it will be.
4.Apply the design. You can do this using a template or simply by hand. The drawing should be of such a size that its edges rest against the folds of the paper. Plus, think about the compositional moment. In our case, the snowmen will hold on to their handles, and the stars will be connected by rays. Although if the flowers, for example, just stretch out in a line, it will also be quite nice.
5.Cut out the design, taking into account that there is no need to cut the places where the figures will be connected. That is, the folds of the paper should remain intact.
6.Unfold and see your garland. To make it even more interesting, add some details. So we drew faces for the stars and snowmen and they immediately became more cheerful.

Corrugated paper

Colored paper

Festive garland

Festive garland

If the garland turns out to be too short, you can repeat all the steps again, and then connect two (three, four) links with glue, tape or a stapler.
Since this decoration is very easy to make, involve your child in the work.Just imagine how nice it will be for him to then see his creation on the Christmas tree or somewhere else, and tell his friends that he took part in such an important matter - this is generally a reason for pride!
Such a garland can be hung under the ceiling, on cornices and doors, or used as an original curtain holder.
Try it and you will definitely succeed!

Having decided on a drawing

cut out little people

Festive garland

Apply a drawing

Festive garland

On the curtain
come back
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