Cucumbers using papier-mâché technique

Papier mache - an amazing technique that is perfect for working even with small children. Using this technique you can make anything your heart desires: a vase, a plate, a toy for the Christmas tree and many dummies. And today we will do crafts for everyone's favorite Cucumber Day. We will make two types of cucumbers: ordinary cucumbers, which can be placed on a plate or placed in a jar with a lid. And the second option: Pan cucumber, which will stand on its legs and smile cheerfully at us.

•PVA glue
•Acrylic paints
•Gel paint pearl effect (optional)
Stages of making cucumbers:
We will start with ordinary cucumbers; to create them, take a couple of sheets of newspaper, crumple it well, giving it the shape of a cucumber.
Cucumbers using papier mache technique

We wrap the workpieces with threads, tear the paper into pieces and glue pieces of newspaper to the base, covering it. We make glue like this: dilute PVA glue with water, proportion 1/2. We make several layers of newspaper and let the layers dry.
Cover the cucumbers with a layer of newspaper or toilet paper and dry again.
Cucumbers using papier mache technique

We paint it, trying to give it the most realistic look.To make the cucumbers shiny, you can coat them with varnish.
Cucumbers using papier mache technique

We make a cheerful cucumber with legs using the same principle, only we add a nose, cheeks and legs.
Cucumbers using papier mache technique

We color the cucumber, draw a face, and make a tail out of napkins to match the color of the figurine or corrugated paper. The pimples are made using a special gel to create a pearl effect. There is a more accessible way: we drip Pva or Dragon in the right place and wait until it dries. There is only one downside: it takes longer, you have to wait until the pimples dry on one side and only then start on the other side so that the glue does not drip.
Cucumbers using papier mache technique

We coat the cucumber with varnish and the wonderful crafts for Cucumber Day are ready!
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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