money tree

The money tree symbolizes financial growth and prosperity. This powerful talisman, which attracts good luck, can often be seen in the homes of lovers of the ancient mystical teachings of Feng Shui. They are sure that the thicker the crown of a tree, the richer its owner. If you don't have a money tree yet and don't know where to get one, try making one yourself. This master class will help you create a magical symbol from available materials.
For work, prepare the following set of tools and materials:
  • a rectangular piece of hardboard (for example, a square with sides of 30 cm);
  • thin twine;
  • heat gun;
  • coins of different denominations;
  • small pebbles;
  • metal figures (a cage with birds, a cat, a chain or any others);
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints (black, silver, gold);
  • brush.

DIY money tree

To begin, lay out a tree of thin twine on a piece of hardboard. Try to twist the thick trunk, carefully separate the branches and roots. The easiest way to glue twine to hardboard is with a heat gun. Thanks to this tool, it will hold securely.
Glue small pebbles between the roots. It is also advisable to fix them to the base with hot silicone.
Place coins on the branches.To make your work beautiful, use coins of different denominations and colors. Let a few coins “fall” on the roots.
This is what a tree looks like!
money tree

Now it needs to be completely covered with black acrylic paint. Don't be alarmed that the picture has become completely black, then you will get an incredible effect. This is roughly what the work looks like at this stage.
money tree

After the black paint has dried, paint the trunk, roots and coins with silver acrylic. Glue on a cage with birds, a chain and a cat.
money tree

Looks amazing!
money tree

If you are still afraid of a dark shade, you can do without it. The next photo shows a version of the money tree without painting it black. Looks cute too.
money tree

If you use gold acrylic instead of silver, the wood will acquire warmer tones.
money tree

Golden paint will definitely not spoil the picture.
money tree

With a little effort, you will have your own symbol of wealth and financial prosperity. After some time you will feel its magical power. Perhaps you will receive a bonus or win the lottery.
money tree

It is recommended to place such a talisman in the south-eastern part of your home, or even better, in your office.
money tree

If you sincerely believe in your money tree, then its energy will definitely not bypass your wallet.
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