How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to clean dishes from dried and burnt fat, especially if they have not been washed regularly and dirty stains have taken a lot of time. Store-bought products are not always effective, but you can make an excellent mixture yourself.
How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

What you will need to have

A home remedy is made from baking soda, any dishwashing liquid with surfactants and hydrogen peroxide. You need to wear rubber gloves when working, and use an ordinary kitchen sponge for washing. The composition is prepared in any convenient bowl.
How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

Preparation process

Place two full tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl.
How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

Pour in two identical portions of hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid.
How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

If you get a little more, it doesn’t matter, it won’t affect the quality of the product in any way.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly, you should get a homogeneous mixture with a consistency reminiscent of whipped cream.If it is too thick, add hydrogen peroxide in small portions as needed.
How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

Put on gloves, grab a little product with the soft side of the sponge and spread it on the surface of the kettle. For very dirty areas, apply more. The quantity we prepared is just enough to process one standard-sized teapot.
Allow approximately 10 minutes for the carbon softening process to complete. After the expiration date, use the hard side of the sponge to begin cleaning the surface. If the dirt is difficult to remove, then leave it to soften for another five minutes. The sponge must be pressed with force and rubbed with special care on very dirty places.
How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

Some types of cookware have shallow horizontal or vertical stripes. The movements of the sponge should be along the grooves; this is the only way to remove dirt from them.
To make the process easier, it is recommended to place the kettle in the sink. Upon completion of cleaning, the dishes should be thoroughly rinsed in running water. Make sure that water does not get inside the kettle. If this happens, then you need to rinse the entire kettle.
How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands


How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

This product perfectly cleans not only carbon deposits, but also any dried fat. It is recommended to use it during general cleaning of the kitchen apron, oven, hood glass and other items that get grease on them during cooking. The prepared mixture can be stored in a hermetically sealed container.

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We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the way I get rid of stubborn traces of grease on a kitchen hood in 5 minutes -
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Comments (1)
    #1 FORMIDABEL Guests 17 November 2019 13:02
    You can rub with force without a miracle remedy - the result will be.