Robot bug
- 2 small 1.5 volt motors (can be bought or removed from old toys (see photo).)
- 2 small paper clips
- 2 large paper clips
- 1 meter el. wires
- 2 small SPDT switches (you can buy or remove them, for example, from an old computer mouse)
and also tools:
*soldering iron + some tin
*glue gun and a glue stick for it (the glue stick can be melted simply with a soldering iron, but it is recommended to do this with a glue gun)
* wire cutters (to remove insulation)
and here are all the details
1. electric mode wire into 13 pieces of 6 cm each and remove the insulation from them (on both sides) 1 cm each.
2. Solder the wires to each of the components (except batteries), see the figure.
solder the wire to the batt. holder (blue)(third connection)
3. Turn the battery holder over and glue the switches to it in a “V” shape (see photo)
4. Glue 2 motors between the switches so that the chassis of the motor itself touches the ground
5.From a large paper clip and a ball we make a stabilizer (a wheel to make it easier to move along the surface)
6. connection
this is how it should all look
7. take 2 small ones. paper clips and make whiskers for a beetle out of them
8. carefully glue the mustache to the switches (use a little glue for this so as not to glue the switch itself)
9. wrap a little insulation on the running gear of the motor (for better grip)
10. Insert batteries
and you're done!)
It's not very difficult. I just did it myself!!!
The funny thing is that when he touches an obstacle with his right tendril, the other wheel stops and he turns to the left, and vice versa. (Goes around obstacles)