Water-air method to get a seedling from any young branch in a month

Varietal trees can be propagated without grafting, simply turning excess branches that should be pruned into seedlings. It is so simple and quick that from one mother tree you can make a whole young garden in a season. Try this method, it works 100%.

What you will need:

  • Sharp knife;
  • lace;
  • plastic PET bottle.

The process of seedling formation

On the mother tree you need to choose an even, strong branch, preferably one from last year or this season. It needs to be cut from the bottom up, removing a piece of bark 3-4 fingers long, but without cutting it off.

This flap is dipped into the neck of a plastic bottle filled with water, and it is tied to a branch. In about a month, a root will sprout from the wood chips. To prevent it from dying, water should be added.

When the root becomes large enough, the branch below it is cut off.

The resulting seedling can be planted in open ground or in a pot if there is little time left until autumn and it must overwinter in the basement.

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