How to quickly and accurately diagnose a car’s clutch without disassembly

To replace clutch discs worn to the limit, this bulky and heavy unit must be removed from underneath the car, and after the repair is completed, reinstalled on the car. Such work is quite labor-intensive, requiring a lot of time, certain qualifications and experience. The service station will charge a lot of money for replacing clutch discs. Therefore, if you suspect that the clutch discs are worn, you should check the degree of wear before replacing them.

This can be done in two long-known and indisputable ways, the results of which are beyond doubt.

Method No. 1 for self-diagnosis of the clutch

The first method is implemented by using a handbrake. Moreover, the handbrake must be fully functional and securely hold the rear wheels of the car. The second method is carried out on a flat section of the highway and requires accelerating the car in fourth gear to a certain speed.

Let's start with the second method and for this we need to drive out onto a flat section of the road. We accelerate the car in fourth gear to 60 km/h.Then we release the gas pedal and wait until the moment when the engine begins to vibrate and lose speed due to a lack of fuel entering the combustion chambers of the cylinders (usually all this happens at a speed of 40 km/h), and sharply press the accelerator.

In this case, the tachometer and speedometer needles should rise simultaneously and synchronously, which clearly confirms that everything is fine with the clutch discs, and their wear is not yet great enough to start worrying about replacing these clutch parts soon.

If, after pressing the gas pedal, the tachometer needle goes up sharply, but the speedometer needle remains in the same place, then this is a sure sign of unacceptable wear of the clutch discs and they must be urgently replaced with new ones.

Method number 2

The second way to check the degree of wear of clutch discs using the hand brake is also simple, visual and objective. First of all, tighten the handbrake securely. We start the engine, engage third or fourth gear and try to move off smoothly.

If this fails and the engine stalls, then everything is fine with the clutch discs. When, after engaging the third or fourth gear, after releasing the clutch pedal, the engine does not stall, this just signals that the clutch discs are extremely worn out and need urgent replacement.

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