Bracelet made from old bag leather

If you have an out-of-use leather bag that you are going to throw away, or some other unnecessary item made of leather or leatherette, you can not throw it away, but use it in needlework, for example, you can make a bracelet out of this item. You can use fairly well-preserved pieces of leather, as well as the handle of a bag. To do this, you need to carefully cut out all the suitable parts of the bag, and make a lace from the handle, cutting off a thin line of leather from it.

1. In addition to pieces of leather and lace, to create a bracelet you will need:
contour acrylic paints on fabric;
scissors (preferably manicure scissors with sharp tips);
ruler, pencil;
a sheet of paper or cardboard;
needle, thread (to match skin color).

required for bracelet

2. We begin work by cutting out the blank for the bracelet. Cut a rectangle out of leather measuring 17 cm in length and 8 cm in width. These values ​​are, of course, arbitrary; you can make a bracelet of any size.

Cut a rectangle from leather

3. Stepping back 1 cm from the edge, use scissors to cut holes on both sides for attaching the laces.

cut holes

4. From the prepared lace, cut off 2 pieces about 15 cm long. By inserting the lace into the hole and bending it 1-2 cm, carefully hem it.

carefully hem the lace

5. Now let's start painting the bracelet.Draw a sketch to create a pattern using, for example, coins. We outline them, placing them in the shape of a flower. We finish drawing some petals. You can draw the entire drawing by hand, as long as the lines are straight and not crooked.

Drawing a sketch

6. Cut out the sketch along the outer contour and apply it to the leather blank exactly in the center.

Cutting out the sketch

7. We outline our flower with a series of pink dots, carefully pressing the paper flower. We wait 10-15 minutes until the paint dries, then remove it.

We outline our flower

8. Cut out the inner circle - the middle of the flower, place it in the center and trace it in the same way.

Cut out the inner circle

9. First we paint the inside with dots. We lay a row of yellow and a row of purple dots.

Lay a row of purple dots

10. Alternating pink, yellow and purple colors, fill the middle of the flower with rows of dots.

fill with rows of dots

11. Use pink to finish the round petals of the flower.

finishing the petals

12. We fill the round petals with the same alternation of rows.

fill the round petals

13. We place the points close enough, but at the same time we try to ensure that they do not touch each other.

put it close enough

14. We decorate small petals in the same way.

make small petals

15. If there are abrasions on a piece of leather cut out for a bracelet, you can place small flowers from the dots of the colors used in their place - the flaws will not be visible.

cut out pieces of leather

Leather bracelet is ready

The painted leather bracelet is ready! I wish you a pleasant time doing this work and get an excellent result!

Bracelet made from old bag leather
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