Big bright dream catcher

Everyone wants to learn how to do something special. In this article we will tell you how to create your own dream catcher - a talisman that catches bad dreams in a web, letting only good ones through. Some prefer to make it from natural materials - in this case, willow twigs, eagle feathers, and coarse woolen threads are used. But in the absence of such, we will make it simpler - in our craft we will use bright floss threads, beads and feathers of the same tones. This talisman will fit perfectly into the interior of the room and will be a wonderful gift for a loved one.

So, first you need to collect everything that will be useful when creating a dream catcher. We took a large wooden hoop, floss threads of different colors, colored feathers and a lot of colored beads.

what will be useful when creating

First you need to wrap one ring with thread. Make sure there are no gaps - if you have the patience, you can wrap the ring in two rows or try to make a simple pattern.

wrap one ring with thread

make a simple pattern

After the ring is completely wrapped, you can begin weaving the central web. To do this, you need to take another thread (not necessarily the same color) and start attaching it with a half-knot every few centimeters.The half-knot is made very simply - the thread is wrapped around the tree, and then threaded into the resulting loop.

start weaving a web

threaded through the resulting loop

After the space on the ring has run out, you need to continue fastening the thread, but on the thread that was pulled earlier. Thus, you need to fill the ring with cobwebs, periodically stringing beads onto the thread. You can repeat the procedure with threads of a different color.

string beads

All that remains is to attach the threads with feathers.

attach threads with feathers

You can string beads on threads, they can be woven into a braid - in general, here we leave room for your imagination.

threads to the ring

Attach the threads to the ring and hang the finished dream catcher on the wall.

fill the ring with cobwebs

Big bright dream catcher
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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