Art object made of branches and textiles

Everyone knows the purpose of art objects - they make the interior come alive, give it uniqueness, and give the home comfort. A master class on making a “good tree” will give you an idea on how to decorate your home in accordance with the romantic style.

To work you will need:

To work you will need

• Tree branches
• Flowerpot or any suitable flower pot
• Glue gun
• White spray paint
• Scissors
• Stationery knife
• Scraps of fabrics of different textures
• Threads
• Needle
• Pins
• Synthetic winterizer or any other filler
• Accessories (ribbons, ruffles, beads, beads, rhinestones, buttons, etc.)
• Fantasy, patience, hands that are always creating something and a good mood.

The first step is to start making the main part of the art object, which will actually represent a decorative stylized tree in a pot.
1. It is necessary to purchase and prepare the necessary basic material - flowerpots and branches. The number and branching of branches is determined depending on the size of the flowerpot and the design. Use a utility knife to cut off unnecessary branches that do not correspond to the design;
2.Now you can start painting the branches white using spray paint or acrylic paint. If you use a spray can, you will have to apply the tone in several layers with an interval of 10-15 minutes. But the coating process itself is quick and convenient. Unlike using acrylic paint, the branches will not have to be constantly turned, and the brush will take longer;

coloring of twigs

3. Place dried branches in flowerpots, taking into account the composition. Here you can play around to your heart’s content, building a wide variety of compositional forms, giving the product “fluffiness” and dynamics, or, conversely, laconicism, one-sided direction and statics;
4. Fix the branches in places of contact with the flower pots and, if possible, with each other. This will allow the art object to be in an unchanged, perfect condition and be convenient to move or care for;
Next comes the turn to decorate the “tree” with various kinds of elements. In this case, these are hearts.
1. Heart details are cut out of fabric. You can use a stencil or pattern. Do not sew the parts together completely, leaving a hole for stuffing with filler;
2. Turn the heart right side out and fill it with padding polyester;

fill with padding polyester

3. Sew the open edge with a “blind seam”. Do the same manipulations with the rest of the number of hearts;
4. Now you can embroider the hearts along the edge with braid or ruffles, and sew on a ribbon pendant. Ribbon bows must be attached on both sides. This condition is mandatory, so it will be possible to admire the craft from any angle;

sew on a ribbon pendant

sew a ribbon on a pendant

5. When all the hearts are ready, you need to distribute them on the branches, taking into account compositional balance and harmony. Then fix it with glue at the fastening point.Also, do not forget that the art object should look equally aesthetically pleasing on each side.

from branches and textiles

If desired, you can fill the pots with soil and lay pieces of ordinary moss on top.
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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