Decorative tree

The greatest joy comes from the things you create with your own hands. I suggest making a decorative tree - you can decorate the interior of your home with it, or give it as a gift for a birthday or wedding.

Decide on the size - if it will stand on a shelf, a cup of sour cream or a bucket of mayonnaise will be enough for the pot; if you want a large tree, you can take a regular bucket.
The crown of the tree is formed from newspapers, which are crumpled into a ball of the required size.

Then this ball must be covered with elastic fabric - it can be any beautiful stretch material or even a piece of tights (if the crown is completely decorated)

Dilute alabaster, gypsum, plaster (or simply press plasticine) in a glass and insert a stick - the basis of the future tree. For a small tree, a pencil is quite suitable.

Make a hole in the paper ball with a knife and pour PVA glue into it, then place the ball on the barrel. Secure the material around the barrel with threads. Hide the threads under a decorative cord, ribbon bow, etc.

Wrap the stick with any suitable material - ribbon, strip of fabric, lace, beautiful paper.

Decorate the pot filler with what you have on hand - beads, aquarium stones, pebbles, crumpled material, glued napkins. Decorate the pot itself as your imagination dictates - glue on beautiful material or bright paper napkins, sprinkle beads on glue, knit a cover, etc.

Now it's time to decorate the tree crown. There are many options! Roses made of fabric or ribbons, dried flowers, large beads, artificial flowers, glass balls, beautiful pasta - everything is appropriate here!

Try on different decor options, estimate their location, change the color of roses or beads - choose what looks the most impressive!

Believe me, no one will remain indifferent to such a gift!

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Comments (1)
  1. linkaksu
    #1 linkaksu Guests 22 August 2017 12:37
    so this is how they are made... that's it, present I came up with it for the new year! It doesn't take long to do and the materials are available. Just what you need!