Unusual wall panel

unusual wall panel

List of required materials:
- Paper.

It is better to use thick paper that will not be damaged by water; you can use cardboard instead of paper. The sheet format is absolutely any, it all depends on your wishes, I drew on an A3 sheet.

- Paints. Gouache is preferable, since when painting with gouache, less water is required than for watercolor, and therefore the paper will deform less.
- Brush
- A jar or glass of water
- Paper tape
- Pencil
- Black marker
- A small sheet for a sketch.

List of required materials

Now let's get to work. At the very beginning, we will make a sketch of the future panel. The pattern can be absolutely anything, but the main thing is that each of the three parts has something in common, be it a similar method of painting, a single motif or a repeating element.

sketch of the future panel

Next, we will prepare the background for the intended patterns. Let's start by attaching the sheet to the work surface with paper tape. You shouldn’t “climb” the tape too much onto the edges of the sheet, otherwise you’ll have to cut a lot later; five millimeters will be enough.

prepare the background for the planned patterns

Next comes the most interesting part – painting the sheet. Three colors were enough for me: yellow, red and purple.You should not choose colors that are too dark; the black marker will not be visible against their background. If you want, then, of course, you can use dark colors and draw on them with a white varnish marker or stroke. Experimentation is encouraged.

painting a sheet

Paints can be mixed directly on paper; if it is more convenient for you, use a palette.

mix directly on paper

The result is a bright and colorful background for the panel.

bright and colorful background for the panel

When the paints have dried, draw a frame on the back of the sheet, 1 cm from the edge, and then divide the inside into three equal rectangles, as shown in the diagram. Then trim off the white edges that were covered with tape and cut the sheet into three pieces.

draw a frame

If the paper is still damaged by water, you can put it under a press and leave it for a while to level it out. When everything is ready, move on to the next step - transfer the drawing from the sketch, first with a pencil and then with a marker.

transferring the drawing from the sketch

Next, we add smaller patterns to the drawing, paint over them somewhere, and so on. Here you need to give free rein to your imagination.

smaller patterns

If you painted on a large format, then it is better to complicate the patterns, so the panel will look more impressive. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

unusual wall panel

I wish you creative success!

unusual wall panel
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