Handmade men's soap

It's no secret that handmade soap can be a wonderful gift for any occasion. Over the years comes the realization that presentmade by the hands of loved ones are priceless. Let's look at a detailed master class on how to make handmade men's soap yourself.

For work we will need:
- 100 gr. transparent soap base;
- 50 gr. white soap base;
- cotton seed oil;
- avocado oil;
- Egoiste Platinum fragrance from Chanel;
- liquid green pigment;
- liquid pigment blue;
- silver mother of pearl;
- alcohol (to remove bubbles);
- molds;
- plastic cups;
- stirring stick;
- electronic balance;
- knife;
- cutting board.


First you need to cut 30 grams of transparent base into small cubes.

handmade men's soap

Then, place it in a glass and put it in the microwave. It is advisable to use the mid-low frequency mode. At maximum, everything will melt much faster, but the cups cannot withstand such temperatures. The base must not be allowed to boil.
Then you should add avocado oil (a third of a teaspoon) and 3-4 drops of blue dye.

handmade men's soap

In order to avoid migration of paint in soap, you need to use pigments and 3-4 drops of fragrance.
At the next stage, you should carefully mix everything, sprinkle the mold with alcohol, pour in the prepared mixture and sprinkle everything with alcohol again.

handmade men's soap

The shape does not matter, the main thing is that it is flat, since in the future all the workpieces will need to be cut.
Next, you should cut another 30 grams of the transparent base, melt it and add the following ingredients by analogy with the first option, only instead of blue dye, you need to take green, then pour it into the mold and sprinkle with alcohol.

handmade men's soap

At the next stage, you need to cut 30 grams of the white base, melt it, add cotton seed oil, flavoring, mother of pearl (on the tip of a knife), mix everything and pour it into the third mold. Be sure to sprinkle with alcohol.

handmade men's soap

After 30 minutes, all layers will harden and can be removed from the mold and cut into cubes.

handmade men's soap

handmade men's soap

In a large mold in which you will prepare the soap, you need to place all the colored cubes, having first sprayed the cubes and the mold with alcohol. This will prevent them from sticking to each other.

handmade men's soap

Next, you should cut the remaining transparent base (40 grams) and let it melt, then add a couple of drops of aroma to it and fill the cubes with this liquid.

handmade men's soap

Please note that you should not add oil at this stage of work, as the liquid may become cloudy. The amount of transparent base (at the last step of work) must cover all the cut cubes.
After 10-15 minutes, when the top layer of soap dries a little, you need to melt the remaining white base (20 grams) and pour the top layer, after sprinkling the previous one with alcohol.

handmade men's soap

As a result, you should get a white, flat surface on one side and a transparent surface with colored cubes on the other.

handmade men's soap

Now you can please your loved ones with a useful and beautiful gift!
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Comments (1)
  1. Catherine
    #1 Catherine Guests August 29, 2017 05:49
    This soap is very beneficial for the skin, as it does not contain the chemicals that are added to store-bought soap. It dries the skin very much, and the handmade soap is so soft and fragrant, I’m happy to buy it, and now I’ll try to make it myself!