magnolia sprig

Spring! How much of this word. Everyone is looking forward to dry asphalt, a warm and fragrant breeze, evening walks in the park accompanied by the singing of birds and bright colors in the flower beds. Indeed, many people love this time of year precisely for the flowers. Delicate snowdrops, sophisticated tulips and majestic daffodils. But flowers can be not only on the ground. The trees also begin to transform and bloom. An unusually beautiful tree is magnolia. Its flowers are large and attract attention with the structure of the bud. Today you will learn how to make a magnolia sprig from play dough.

For work you need the following materials:
- a branch from a tree (better than a pear, it is more textured and has large buds);
- play dough in white, pink and green colors.

magnolia sprig

The work will be made from play dough. This material is very high quality and pleasant to work with. And when it hardens, it holds its shape perfectly. So, get started! Take the white dough and divide it into three parts. Do the same manipulation with the pink piece.

magnolia sprig

Next, each piece of dough should be divided into 9 equal parts. Form them into balls.

magnolia sprig

For one magnolia flower, take 9 pink balls and the same amount of white.

magnolia sprig

One petal is made like this: connect the pink and white blanks together so that one oval is two-color. The diameter of the workpiece is 2 cm.

magnolia sprig

There are 9 petals in total.

magnolia sprig

Start forming the flower. Take one piece and twist it into a tube - this is the middle.

magnolia sprig

Attach two petals around this blank. They should be parallel to each other.

magnolia sprig

Attach two more blanks to the bud in those places where there are gaps.

magnolia sprig

And the remaining four petals must be secured at the bottom of the flower. It turns out that the bud has opened.

magnolia sprig

When working, you need to remember that the outer side of the petal is pink, and the inside is white.
These are the three magnolia buds that should come out.

magnolia sprig

Leave the flowers overnight near a heat source (battery) so that they dry and become stronger. If you attach the buds to the branch at this stage, the petals will become deformed. When the buds become dry, you can glue them to a tree branch.

magnolia sprig

All that remains is to form unopened buds from the green dough. To do this, sculpt small ovals and secure them to the free buds. This is what a finished magnolia sprig looks like.

magnolia sprig

There is no need to make leaves because they grow on the tree after the flowering period ends. Instead of dough, you can use plasticine, cold porcelain or any other material.
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