Electro-chemical engraving on a knife

Electro-chemical engraving very simple. It will not require you to know any peaks in the field of chemistry or physics. Anyone can make it, and the necessary ingredients are available in every home. With this engraving method, you can apply a design not only to a knife, but also to any other metal surface.

We will apply the design to the knife:

This Chinese character means meat!

What do we need? - Firstly, the knife itself, I took a kitchen cleaver:

The engraved surface must be cleaned and degreased! The quality of the applied pattern depends on this. You can degrease it with gasoline, alcohol, cologne, etc.

Next step: You need to stick the tape and cut out our hieroglyph on it. You need to cut it with a very sharp scalpel or a stationery knife.

Do everything carefully so that the tape does not come off where it is not needed.

Next we will need:
Power supply for 5....12 volts, telephone charging is also suitable;
A cotton swab or a piece of cotton wool wrapped around a nail;
And the solution: a teaspoon of salt dissolved in 50 grams of water.

Everything is prepared, we begin electrochemical cleaning of the metal surface.To do this, you need to attach “+” to the cleaver, and “-” to the nail on which the head of the cotton swab is placed - this will be our electrode.

We turn on the power supply, dip the electrode in a solution with salt and draw it across the surface of our drawing. For better quality, you need to go through it 2-3 times slowly. But don't succeed.

Everything has been cleared. Next, replace the cotton wool or the head of the cotton swab with a clean one. Change the polarity of the power supply: plus to the electrode, minus to the cleaver.

We wet the electrode in the same salty solution and begin to draw a picture:

The drawing appears before your eyes. The outline immediately begins to turn black. We also do it 2-3 times for better effect.

That's it - the engraving is ready. Peel off the tape and wash off its sticky traces.

Well, it’s up to you to decide which drawing you choose! Good luck.

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Comments (12)
  1. [)eNiS
    #1 [)eNiS Guests 12 October 2010 12:08
    I used to engrave easier. using an electromagnet. but anyway 5 for the topic smilesmile
  2. feelloff
    #2 feelloff Guests 12 October 2010 12:48
    Is it like with the power of an electromagnet?!
  3. [)eNiS
    #3 [)eNiS Guests 14 October 2010 19:23
    Well, I didn’t say it quite right. You can use any coil and my source is a battery from a 6V 4Am radio machine.I connect everything in series, hook one electrode from the battery to an iron plate, and run the electrode from the coil across the plate and electric. engraved with an arc :). I can send you video and photos. I just don’t know where sad
  4. SVL
    #4 SVL Guests 25 October 2010 21:13
    It’s not bad, but with such engraving the metal is destroyed and the knife can then rust. But even in a thin knife you can make a hole in this way.
  5. Knyaz-5
    #5 Knyaz-5 Guests 29 November 2010 17:06
    No, the metal does not deteriorate much after this. I'm so into metal. I did it with a ruler. the relief of the ruler is almost imperceptible
  6. Knyaz-5
    #6 Knyaz-5 Guests 29 November 2010 17:10
    But it may rust)
  7. feelloff
    #7 feelloff Guests 29 November 2010 18:44
    I agree about rust, you need to take a stainless steel knife, not a coated one!
    #8 DESERTIR Guests November 12, 2011 01:04
    I tried it on an old knife, and it turned out very well, and very simple, thank you to the author! biggrin
    #9 DESERTIR Guests November 12, 2011 01:44
    but my pattern is not black like in the picture sad
  10. lbvjy
    #10 lbvjy Guests 3 April 2013 17:21
    But nothing worked for me at all, I thought the power supply was too small. I took a motorcycle battery :what: :sad: