Necklace "Fire Flashes"

We are controlled by our mood, our life depends on what color it is today. Whether it’s sunny or cloudy, we try not to notice it when we have to go to work or do our usual chores around the house. But this can be easily changed. To create a festive mood, there is no need to wait for the official gala day; you can arrange it yourself. Every woman knows that buying something new always lifts her spirits. But it is not necessary to buy a thing; it is enough to have the necessary materials and tools and make present to myself. I propose to make a bright red necklace from beads, seed beads and bugles.
Fireburst Necklace

This bright accessory will help brighten up your gray everyday life. Its fiery flashes will attract the attention of others and improve your mood.
We have to:
Fireburst Necklace

  • side cutters (popularly called wire cutters), thin-nosed pliers, scissors, round-nose pliers,
  • lavsan threads type 22M,
  • bead needle,
  • ruler,
  • colorless transparent beads - 9 pieces,
  • red transparent beads,
  • translucent colorless long glass beads,
  • transparent red beads 5 mm in diameter - 9 pieces,
  • unpainted transparent beads 8 mm in diameter - 7 pieces, 5 mm - 60 pieces,
  • 1 connecting double ring,
  • 2 caps made of medium-hard metal,
  • steel color chain 20 cm long,
  • two pins with a loop at the end,
  • a lock that closes with a screw.

Manufacturing method:
1. Take a pin, thread, needle, ruler, scissors, red beads, 5 mm colorless beads and assemble the double part of the necklace.
Fireburst Necklace

If necessary, clamp the loop on the pin using thin-nose pliers. This may be necessary to ensure that the loop is completely closed and the thread does not pass through the gap. We measure a lavsan thread twice as long, no less than the estimated size of the first part of the necklace, multiplied by two, plus 15 cm. In our case, the thread should be at least 65 cm. We fasten the thread to the pin loop.
Fireburst Necklace

We put three red beads on a thread, then alternate beads and seed beads 1:1. After a set of 30 beads, we stop. The length of the thread was approximately 20 cm.
Fireburst Necklace

2. Take our thread with beads, red beads and beads with a diameter of 8 mm.
Fireburst Necklace

We continue to collect the thread further, instead of small-sized beads we put on 8 mm beads. We do not place a bead in front of the first of them. Then we pass the thread through the 8 mm bead placed first. We get a ring of large beads.
Fireburst Necklace

3. Returning to small beads.
Fireburst Necklace

We collect a thread of beads and 5 mm beads in the amount of 30 pieces, ending with three red beads. We fix the thread on the pin.
Fireburst Necklace

4. Take thread, needle, scissors and a double connecting ring.
Fireburst Necklace

It is better to choose a double ring, since a regular single ring is less reliable, and the thread can slip through a gap that is not completely closed.
We measure the thread twice as long, approximately 50-60 cm.
We fix the thread on the connecting ring.
5.We take transparent colorless beads, red beads, glass beads, red beads.
Fireburst Necklace

We string three red beads onto a thread, then alternate red beads and bugles. We finish the thread with a red bead and a colorless bead, and then secure the thread.
Each strand of all parts of the necklace will always start with three red beads to ensure symmetry throughout the entire piece.
The photo shows, as an example, a sequence of 2 beads and 1 glass bead.
Fireburst Necklace

Fireburst Necklace

We repeat this for each of the nine threads. We vary the length of the threads from 33 to 38 cm to create a pleasant-looking cascading composition.
1 bugle bead: 1 bead – 3 strands
the rest on the 1st thread: 1 glass beads: 2 pieces of beads, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7
We get part of necklace number two.
Fireburst Necklace

Fireburst Necklace

6. Take out part of necklace number one and the cap.
Fireburst Necklace

We put the cap on the pin.
Fireburst Necklace

7. Using needle-nose pliers, bend the pin at a ninety-degree angle close to the base of the cap.
Fireburst Necklace

8. Using wire cutters, bite off the pin to the desired length.
Fireburst Necklace

Using thin-nose pliers, we squeeze the cap a little to make the product look more neat.
9. Using pliers, make a loop at the end of the pin.
Fireburst Necklace

10. Using needle nose pliers, open the loop on the pin to the side.
Fireburst Necklace

11. For the next step we use part of necklace No. 2 and a pin.
Fireburst Necklace

Using thin-nosed pliers, loosen the loop of the pin in the form of a hook.
Fireburst Necklace

We put the hook on the connecting ring and close the loop.
Fireburst Necklace

12. Take the cap and put it on the pin.
Fireburst Necklace

13. Using thin-nose pliers, bend the pin close to the cap at an angle of ninety degrees.
Fireburst Necklace

14. Use wire cutters to cut the pin to the required size.
Fireburst Necklace

15. Use round-nose pliers to form a loop on the pin
Fireburst Necklace

Then we squeeze the cap to give it the required shape.
16. Use thin-nose pliers to open the loop, bending it to the side.
Fireburst Necklace

17. Take a ruler, side cutters and a chain 19 cm long or a little more.Keep in mind that one link of the chain will be broken and the length will be reduced.
Fireburst Necklace

Using pliers, we divide it in half, 9.5 cm each.
Fireburst Necklace

18. Take part of necklace No. 1, chain and needle-nose pliers.
Fireburst Necklace

We thread the hook of the pin into the chain link and close it.
Fireburst Necklace

19. Take part of necklace No. 2 and repeat the procedure.
Fireburst Necklace

20. Take both parts of the necklace, a lock and thin-nose pliers.
Fireburst Necklace

Unclench the rings at the ends of the lock with thin-nose pliers.
Fireburst Necklace

21. We put the open rings of the lock on the last links of the chain and close them.
Fireburst Necklace

The necklace is ready.
Fireburst Necklace

All that remains is to put the second part of the necklace into the ring first. We pass the threads with beads and glass beads one at a time into the ring one after another and straighten them.
Fireburst Necklace

Making such a catchy necklace in itself creates a holiday in the soul, a surge of strength and positive emotions. You can wear it any day of the week when you want to celebrate. Its color, reminiscent of flashes in the sun, will help hold your gaze and give you a good mood.
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. lenavt
    #1 lenavt Guests 28 August 2017 19:19
    Wow! Unusual work. You rarely see asymmetrical products. Here the glass beads look very harmonious.