Necklace “Sea Mood”

When it’s cloudy and gray outside, and your heart is eager for summer, there’s no need to be sad, you can just wait a little longer, and in the meantime, prepare for the arrival of summer. Everyone prepares for the summer season differently: some lose weight, others buy all the bright summer things at discounts, and some are simply waiting for it with a smile in their eyes and in their hearts. Therefore, on winter and spring evenings, you can spend time usefully and make various fun things yourself for the summer.
Summer is a wonderful time, not only because you can finally throw off all the awkward and heavy clothes, but also because it is a sunny period, which means it is a great opportunity to stand out from the gray mass. Standing out does not mean immediately dyeing your hair in all the colors of the rainbow or cutting your hair to zero, it means that you can wear something that can at one time be both the highlight of your style and remain a simple modest detail of your everyday style. Such an accessory could be a neat but elegant “Sea Mood” necklace. And you can do such a wonderful thing with your own hands.
To create such a summer miracle we need: shells - 13 pieces, a half-meter metal chain, 16 metal links (which are often used on key rings), a carabiner lock. The amount of materials for the necklace depends on how many shells you want to have on it.

Necklace “Sea Mood”

First of all, we determine the center of your chain and take three shells and five links. For each shell, in our case these are fragments, we put on one link.

Then we connect all the links with those already on the shells. We take another, fifth, link and in this way connect three shells to the center of the chain. It comes out as a simple pendant.

You can leave a simple chain with a talisman pendant, but you can move on. You can place the remaining shells parallel to the central one. It is advisable to place it at a distance of one or more centimeters so that it does not look too flat, and it will be more convenient for you to wear it.

The final step in making such a “sea” necklace is that all you have to do is simply attach a carabiner lock, otherwise how will this necklace hold on? To do this, we need a carabiner and one link that will connect the chain to the lock.

Your “Sea Mood” is ready. Thanks to this necklace, you are already slightly prepared for summer, and also spent time educationally and usefully.

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