Simple Tesla Coil

Nikola Tesla is truly a brilliant inventor of all times. He practically created the entire modern world. Without his inventions, we would not have known what we know now about electric current for a long time.
One of Tesla's brightest and most amazing inventions is his coil or transformer. Which perfectly demonstrates the transfer of energy over a distance.
To conduct experiments, please and surprise your friends, you can assemble a simple but completely working prototype at home. This does not require a large number of scarce parts and a lot of time.
Simple Tesla Coil

To make a Tesla Coil you will need:

  • CD can.
  • A piece of polypropylene tube.
  • Switch.
  • Transistor 2n2222 (you can use domestic ones like KT815, KT817, KT805, etc.).
  • Resistor 20-60 KOhm.
  • Wires.
  • Wire 0.08-0.3 mm.
  • 9V battery or other 6-15V source.

Tools: a stationery knife, a hot glue gun, an awl, scissors and maybe another tool that is found in almost every home.

Making a Tesla coil with your own hands

First of all, we need to cut a piece of polypropylene tube approximately 12-20 centimeters long. Any pipe diameter, take whatever you have on hand.
Simple Tesla Coil

Simple Tesla Coil

Let's take a thin wire.We fix one end with electrical tape and begin to wind tightly, turn to turn, until we cover the entire tube, leaving 1 centimeter from the edge. Once we have wound it, we will also secure the second end of the wire with electrical tape. You can use hot glue, but in this case you will have to wait a little.
Simple Tesla Coil

Simple Tesla Coil

We take the disc case and make three holes for the wire. See photo.
Simple Tesla Coil

Simple Tesla Coil

We cut a groove for the switch with which we will turn our Tesla coil on and off.
Simple Tesla Coil

To make it look better I painted the box with spray paint.
Simple Tesla Coil

We insert the switch. Glue the coil wound on the tube with hot glue into the middle of the jar.
Simple Tesla Coil

Pass the lower end of the wire through the hole.
Simple Tesla Coil

We take a thicker wire. We will make a power coil from it.
Simple Tesla Coil

We wrap the wire around the tube. We do not do it closely, at some distance. Coil 4-5 turns.
Simple Tesla Coil

We pass both ends of the resulting coil through the holes.
Next we assemble the diagram:
Simple Tesla Coil

I glued the transistor with hot glue to a soda cap, which I had previously glued with hot glue. In general, we fix all the elements, including wires and batteries, with this glue.
Simple Tesla Coil

Next we make the electrode. Take a ping pong ball, golf ball, or other small ball and wrap it in aluminum foil. Cut off the excess with scissors.
Simple Tesla Coil

We strip the wire from the top of the tube and screw it to the foil of the ball. And we put it all on hot glue and on a tube.
Simple Tesla Coil

Simple Tesla Coil

That's all. If the circuit is assembled correctly, everything should work without problems. If for some reason this does not happen, then try swapping the ends of the power coil.
Simple Tesla Coil

Simple Tesla Coil

Simple Tesla Coil

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Comments (3)
  1. Oltaviro Oltaviro
    #1 Oltaviro Oltaviro Guests 17 November 2017 16:01
    "You don't need..."?
  2. Alexey
    #2 Alexey Guests August 4, 2018 04:25
    There is nothing supernatural, in fact it is a simple high-frequency generator where the ball is an antenna, and a fluorescent lamp with a hand is a receiver, all this works next to the feeder of any radio stations, it is interesting as an experiment in physics to demonstrate the propagation of radio waves, nothing more.
  3. Guest Sergey
    #3 Guest Sergey Guests December 1, 2019 22:01
    In this article, as in many others, there is a substitution of names, concepts, and processes. The fact that the author showed in practice how to make a generator is excellent. Aleksey explains correctly. This is a simple high-frequency generator that has nothing in common with a Tesla transformer. Guys, look at at least the basics of radio and circuit design, the simplest circuits of generator-converters, and then write articles like this, but competent. And I repeat once again, the fact that the author showed in practice how to make a generator is excellent, especially useful for young radio amateurs.