Three-phase voltage from single-phase in 5 minutes

Three-phase voltage from single-phase

You can get a three-phase voltage of 380 V from a single-phase 220 V in your garage quite simply. This will not take much time; the entire circuit can be connected in about 5 minutes without unnecessary complexity.
For example, you need to run a powerful 3 or 4 kW motor. It would seem that it could be powered according to the classical scheme from a single-phase circuit through a capacitor, but that was not the case. When turned on in this way, the treasured power is lost by about forty percent, plus starting it will be incredibly difficult, or even impossible, if the engine is initially loaded.
It is for such purposes that phase splitters are used, which help to distribute all values ​​evenly across all three phases.
Using them, you can power not only motors and installations with three-phase asynchronous motors, but also any other consumers requiring a three-phase voltage of 380 V.

Will need

You can make a simple phase splitter from a powerful motor. Its power should be 1.5 - 2 kW more than the powered device. For example, if you need to power a 3 kW compressor, then for the circuit you need to take a more powerful motor of 4.5 kW or higher.In this example, a 5.5 kW motor is used.

Phase splitter circuit

Three-phase voltage from single-phase

As you can see, the scheme is incredibly simple. First, single-phase voltage is supplied to a high-power motor connected in a star configuration. The phase shift is carried out by a capacitor (the classic circuit discussed above). And now we remove the uniform three-phase voltage from it.

How it's implemented

First, the connection goes to a powerful motor (there is no starting capacitor in the frame).
Three-phase voltage from single-phase

And through the packet switch we turn on the motor - the load.
Three-phase voltage from single-phase

Starting the system

Be sure to start the system as follows. First, we supply voltage from a single-phase network to a powerful motor. Its shaft is free from load. The motor begins to gradually spin up. After some time, its speed will reach optimal. Only after this you can turn on the load by clicking on the packet.
The connected motor as a load will spin up without any problems even under load.

What does it do and how does it work?

When the 5.5 kW motor has spun up, it will begin to evenly divide all the energy between the phases. As soon as the load (3 kW) is connected, which at the moment of startup consumes colossal power. All this lack of energy is taken over by a powerful motor, as the voltage in the network momentarily decreases, and the inertia of the shaft continues to rotate. Naturally, its speed will drop slightly under load. After spinning up the connected motor, the shaft expression speed of the powerful motor will return to normal, creating a smooth surge in the network.
In a nutshell, the motor in the splitter has a peculiar role as a three-phase capacitor or buffer, preventing a sudden drop in voltage, and evenly distributing phase shifts among the phases without distortion.

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Comments (91)
  1. Valya
    #1 Valya Guests 1 August 2018 18:48
    I agree, I've done it before.
  2. Peter
    #2 Peter Guests 1 August 2018 19:40
    It seems to me that the author of the article, speaking about the simplicity of the technical solution he proposes, is being a little disingenuous.
    If you follow his recommendations, then to start a three-phase electric motor you need another electric motor, and even a more powerful one! And this, according to the designer, is simple! In my opinion, this is called - at any cost!
    Thank you.
  3. Guest Alexander
    #3 Guest Alexander Guests 1 August 2018 19:42
    good idea they did it before
  4. rus
    #4 rus Guests 1 August 2018 19:49
    There will be power losses, as well as phase imbalance, and reversal of neighbors due to voltage drop.
  5. Guest Leonid
    #5 Guest Leonid Guests 1 August 2018 20:05
    The idea is very interesting but raises doubts due to the technical illiteracy of the author who called the circuit breaker (circuit breaker) a packet package. For your information, these are completely different devices
    1. Denchik
      #6 Denchik Guests August 2, 2018 06:44
      You're the one who's illiterate! This example uses a switch-disconnector rather than a circuit breaker.That's why he called him a bagman, and nothing like that.
      1. Guest Yuri
        #7 Guest Yuri Guests 5 August 2018 18:46
        Because of you, I had to force the whole family to call wall switches packages. At least look in the search to see what is what, you are our advanced one!
  6. Guest Alexander
    #8 Guest Alexander Guests 1 August 2018 20:16
    Where will 380V come from between phase and N (220V)?
    1. Dima
      #9 Dima Guests August 2, 2018 06:43
      Because of the phase shift! Isn't it clear...
      1. Guest Yuri
        #10 Guest Yuri Guests 3 August 2018 15:31
        Due to the phase shift, the voltage will not increase in any way, with this scheme you will not get 380...
        1. Ivan
          #11 Ivan Guests 4 August 2018 15:12
          There is no need to raise it. All phases have a voltage of 220V. 380V is obtained BETWEEN the phases due to the shift.
    2. zlyden
      #12 zlyden Guests 3 August 2018 17:06
      out of nowhere, the circuit is fake, if someone doesn’t understand, someone was joking.. here two engines are connected in parallel according to the classical circuit through a conder, with one conder for two.. this circuit is of no use. It will give a slight increase in the phase shift and that’s where the effect ends..
  7. Guest Vladimir
    #13 Guest Vladimir Guests 1 August 2018 20:36
    There's something I didn't understand... A more powerful motor requires an even larger capacitor capacity and is also difficult to start. What's the catch?
  8. Guest Gennady
    #14 Guest Gennady Guests 1 August 2018 20:42
    What should I do, I have the same compressor with the same motor through the capacitors of a regular network that starts at 6 atm pressure. although the working pressure is 3=4 atm. I pumped the maximum 9 atm and started at this pressure.
  9. Guest Vlad
    #15 Guest Vlad Guests 1 August 2018 21:08
    All that remains is to find a 220 line that can withstand 7 kilowatts. Frequentists have already come up with this idea a long time ago.
  10. CardCossack
    #16 CardCossack Guests 1 August 2018 21:33
    It may work, but it's complete bullshit.