A quick way to install poles

A quick way to install poles

It is quite possible to save time and effort when installing wooden poles if you resort to this simple and simple technique. So, straight to the point, what is the trick. The usual, classic method involves digging a well, installing timber and filling the empty cavity with a ready-made concrete solution. In a nutshell, of course.
What does the quick installation method mean? The fact is that preparing concrete takes a lot of time and effort. I suggest skipping these steps and preparing the composition directly in the well for installation. Look how it turns out to be no worse.

Will need

  • Cement-sand mixture. Everything is calculated individually. Usually it takes from 1 to 3 bags per post. The average bag is 25 kg, sold in any hardware store.

Installing a wooden pole in a quick way

At the beginning, everything is as usual: we dig a ditch about 1 meter deep. We put a stone or brick at the bottom, place and level all the pillars in height.
A quick way to install poles

For stability, we cover the beam on all sides with stones or fragments of brick.
A quick way to install poles

We level everything on all planes.
A quick way to install poles

And here is the use of a non-standard method: we take a watering hose with tap water and very generously water the voids in the well.
A quick way to install poles

Open the bag with the cement-sand mixture and sprinkle it evenly on all sides of the post.
A quick way to install poles

Before backfilling, I strongly recommend using a respirator or dust mask for construction workers. It is a good idea to wear safety glasses to prevent the mixture from getting into your eyes.
In these steps you can correct the post if it has moved to the side.
A quick way to install poles

Now again water the poured mixture very generously with water. There is no point in sparing water; the excess will still go into the ground.
A quick way to install poles

Pour the second bag on top.
A quick way to install poles

We also water very, very generously. There is no need to interfere with anything.
A quick way to install poles

If you are not building a foundation, but a fence, then it would be a good idea to attach the guide with self-tapping screws.
A quick way to install poles

After 12 hours, when everything has set and turned into stone, you need to make a small blind area, always above ground level.
A quick way to install poles

If this is not done, rainwater will collect at the bottom and the timber will quickly rot.
We prepare a small amount of concrete and make a blind area for all the pillars at a time.
A quick way to install poles

A very quick method will help you make a foundation for your summer gazebo or quickly install a fence.

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Comments (81)
  1. val352009
    #1 val352009 Guests 11 September 2018 14:46
    In a few years, the pillar will rot from below and when frost sets in, the pillars will begin to move...
    1. Stepan
      #2 Stepan Guests 11 September 2018 20:19
      What if the tree is dry, well-impregnated with a good antiseptic and the underground part is covered, for example, with rubber paint?
      1. Ivan
        #3 Ivan Guests September 12, 2018 09:58
        antiseptic instead of waterproofing? rubber paint? you're great!
      2. Denis
        #4 Denis Guests 12 September 2018 21:42
        Useless. A pillar immured in the ground lives for at most 5 years. Rots away completely at ground level. And no amount of impregnation will save you. I impregnated it with epoxy. -5 years.
        1. Guest Sergey
          #5 Guest Sergey Guests September 13, 2018 11:05
          In general, there is such an old technology: before installation, the pole is burned to the state of coal, it lasts for a very long time since coal does not rot.
          1. Guest Victor
            #6 Guest Victor Guests September 24, 2018 08:10
            Wooden sleepers also do not rot for a long time. Soak it in used oil - the pole will stand for a very long time, of course.
            1. Kolya
              #7 Kolya Guests 10 October 2018 20:56
              Impregnation should be to the entire depth of the wood. The mining impregnates only the outer thin layer. the middle of the timber will remain unimpregnated and rot.
        2. Guest Leonid
          #8 Guest Leonid Guests 23 September 2018 17:47
          This option is probably possible..... with a Christmas tree, pine.... The larch has been standing for 31 years, although it is dying without impregnation
      3. yts
        #9 yts Guests 4 October 2018 21:24
        It will rot anyway, as soon as water gets into the wood, the moisture will spread inside the pillar. And then everything is simple...
  2. nick name
    #10 nick name Guests 11 September 2018 18:36
    The immersed part of the pillar just needs to be burned with a blowtorch and buried to a depth of 1.2 meters, the pillar will outlive its creator!!!
    1. Guest Vasily
      #11 Guest Vasily Guests September 13, 2018 07:56
      If you set your “submersible part” on fire with a blowtorch, will there be a fool who will believe that this “pillar will outlive the creator”?
  3. Guest Sergey
    #12 Guest Sergey Guests 11 September 2018 19:49
    It will come out in the spring along with the concrete
  4. VyaKa
    #13 VyaKa Guests 11 September 2018 19:55
    This is a method that cannot be used. It is much easier, cheaper and more reliable to fill the pillar with sand and spill it with water. And if you impregnate a wooden post with an anti-rotting impregnation (SENEZH), it will also be quite durable. I had pillars like this, in clay, that stood for almost twenty years and they weren’t pulled out, but my neighbor’s metal pillars, filled with mortar, were pulled out after a year.
    1. Peter
      #14 Peter Guests 15 September 2018 11:48
      Completely correct answer! I support!
  5. Guest Andrey
    #15 Guest Andrey Guests 11 September 2018 20:30
    Golden pillars are obtained
  6. Guest Alexander
    #16 Guest Alexander Guests 11 September 2018 21:25
    Even earlier, in the spring, the concrete “buld” of the pillar will simply be squeezed out of the potion. (the sad experience of the neighbors, moreover, more than once)
    1. Stepan
      #17 Stepan Guests September 12, 2018 11:21
      The base of the hole needs to be widened - it won’t squeeze out. the result will be a trapezoid in cross-section, and not a rectangular lump of concrete
  7. Guest Alexander
    #18 Guest Alexander Guests 11 September 2018 22:25
    I think there will be a golden fence......
  8. Guest Alex
    #19 Guest Alex Guests 11 September 2018 22:48
    Oh, how smart everyone is with words! laughing But you yourself didn’t hold a shovel)) It’s a good method, you’re being clever in vain. For the construction of a temporary fence for 3 years it is quite suitable.
    1. Guest Andrey
      #20 Guest Andrey Guests 15 September 2018 15:59
      How are you going to install new poles and break up old concrete? Oak pillars simply stand in the ground without any impregnation for 30 years.
    2. Guest Vladimir
      #21 Guest Vladimir Guests September 18, 2018 00:54
      the problem is that the cement will not mix with water in the right proportion. This will reduce the strength of the concrete by as much as 80%, since you cannot control the uniform mixing of water or the proportion of the mixture.
    3. Guest Sergey
      #22 Guest Sergey Guests 25 September 2018 10:02
      What's the point of concreting 3 year old pillars? If it’s a temporary structure, then it’s enough to just cover the post itself with mud or sand, but if it’s permanent, then they haven’t come up with anything better than tubing pipes anyway.
      1. Engineer
        #23 Engineer Guests 14 January 2020 13:11
        If you need a temporary shed for 3 years, drive the post into the ground with a sledgehammer and don’t bother.
  9. Frog
    #24 Frog Guests September 12, 2018 01:57
    Wood without impregnation and waterproofing will rot. Where is the formwork?
    1. Ivan
      #25 Ivan Guests 12 September 2018 09:56
      what formwork? Hello!
  10. Chipset
    #26 Chipset Guests September 12, 2018 02:07
    very common in Finland and Norway now construction There are even wooden skyscrapers of various structures made of wood. Wood is considered a very promising material. Only there they do not use wood in this way; impregnation with special means is required, sometimes more than once. Such wooden parts are fire-resistant and do not rot.
    1. and rot and burn...
      #27 and rot and burn... Guests September 12, 2018 08:35
      And such materials rot and burn, the only gain is time