How to cut a chicken into pieces

Poultry meat is often used in home cooking. It makes excellent dishes for the dietary, daily and holiday tables. Housewives prefer to purchase a whole chicken carcass, and then divide it into parts themselves. This is more profitable, because the price for fillets is 60-70% higher than for a whole bird.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

A few important points:
1. For preparing delicious broth, jellied meat, and baked dishes, poultry raised on a farm or at home is more suitable. Its meat differs in color, taste and fat content. The aroma during cooking is more rich and appetizing.
2. To prepare chopped cutlets, minced meat, and stews for the daily menu, they often use ordinary chickens raised at a poultry farm. Their weight ranges from one and a half to two kilograms.
Cutting a farm chicken carcass is somewhat more difficult, since its weight can be 4–5 kilograms. At the same time, the tendons and bones of such a bird are stronger, the flesh and skin are denser. But you can cope with this task if you know the correct deboning technology.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

Preliminary preparation

The carcass of a large chicken or rooster, purchased for the holiday table, needs additional processing.Since the feather was removed from it not industrially, but manually, hairs and small feathers could remain on the skin. Using a gas burner or dry fuel, the carcass is singed, paying special attention to the legs and wings. Then rinse under cold water inside and out.

How to properly cut a chicken into pieces

To cut up large birds you will need a large board. It’s better to take one on which you can freely turn the carcass without fear that it will move onto the table. You will also need a sharp knife. Size and shape do not matter, it is important that it is comfortable and familiar to work with. You also need to prepare containers for the soup set and separated ingredients.
Step-by-step master class:
1. The wing liners are separated from the carcass. They are not used for cooking, but there is no need to throw them away either. They will make a wonderful rich broth.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

2. The wing, consisting of two halves, is separated from the carcass at the joints.
3. Next, proceed to the legs. The chicken is placed on its back. An incision is made along the skin between the chest and leg. The meat is cut to the back, and then the leg is turned inside out at the joint with your hands. This technique will allow you to see the place where the leg joins the body. This is where it needs to be cut.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

How to cut a chicken into pieces

4. The leg is divided into two components: the lower leg and the thigh. A fatty stripe is clearly visible between them. The incision is made along it, getting the knife between the cartilages.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

How to cut a chicken into pieces

How to cut a chicken into pieces

5. Poultry has a large fillet, which makes juicy chops, rolls and even kebabs. It is cut in two parts, carefully separating it from the frame. Fingers are drawn along the chest to feel the central bone. A cut is made along it, removing the fillet.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

How to cut a chicken into pieces

6.The frame is divided into two halves; it can easily be broken in half by hand. It is also sent to a container for preparing broth.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

Note: pieces of leather, fat, fender liners, frames - all this is suitable for broth. Do not throw away these parts as unnecessary. They are filled with 2 liters of cold water, add 2 bay leaves, a head of onion in the skin, a clove of garlic, 5 - 7 black peppercorns, a pinch of salt. Place on fire and do not cover with a lid. When the water boils, turn down the heat. The broth is simmered over very low heat for about two hours. Without a lid, it turns out transparent, since condensation does not drip into it.
How to cut a chicken into pieces

When the carcass is cut, they begin to prepare the dishes. But if all the meat is not cooked at once, then the parts are put into the freezer, having previously been placed in separate bags. For convenience, they can be signed.

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Comments (1)
  1. Yuri B.
    #1 Yuri B. Guests December 22, 2018 10:28
    An excellent description of a simple (at first glance) procedure!