Mineral bath bomb

What could be more pleasant than soaking in a hot bath after a hard, exhausting day. Especially if you add foam, special sea salt, and essential oils to it. Many people also use mineral bath bombs, which not only relax, but also give the skin velvety, smoothness and a special, subtle fragrant aroma.

These bombs in stores are quite expensive for you to use them all the time, but you can successfully make them yourself, choosing the ingredients and flavors to suit your own taste. You don’t need anything special to make them; everything can be found at home in the kitchen and bathroom. But if you want a special scent, you can buy it at the pharmacy. There is a wide selection of essential oils available on the market today.

Materials and tools:

•non-metallic mixing container;
•tablespoon for measuring ingredients;
•mould. You can take a tennis ball and cut it in half, you can take an egg left over from a kinder surprise, or you can use an ordinary children’s sandpaper;
•packaging film made of polyethylene, if the bomb is not used immediately after preparation;
•3 tbsp. spoons of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda);
•3 tbsp. spoons of filler. This could be powdered milk, crushed oatmeal, cosmetic clay, or anything else of your choice.
•2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid;
•3 tbsp. spoons of olive or other oil;
•30 drops of essential oil. You can take any one you like, you can even mix several oils, but be sure to combine with each other.

Using a spoon, measure out the soda, filler and citric acid. In our case, cosmetic pink clay was taken as a filler. Mix the dry ingredients well and add oil to this mixture. First olive, then ethereal. We took 2 types of oil: 15 drops each of almond and ylang-ylang. Almond oil is good for the skin, and ylang-ylang is an excellent antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

Mix very well with your fingers so that there are no lumps. You should end up with a mixture that resembles shortbread dough. Then fill the mold very tightly with the mixture, constantly tamping. The mold can be pre-greased with olive oil to make it easier to remove the finished bomb.

Leave for several hours for the bomb to dry. Then carefully remove it from the mold. If you use the bomb later, you can wrap it in plastic wrap.
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Comments (2)
    #1 QUESTION Guests 23 December 2013 14:55
    Probably a stupid question?! Does it explode or start hissing in the water?
    1. bbbt
      #2 bbbt Guests 10 August 2021 16:09
      The question is not stupid, this name is stupid... it will probably start to hiss, since it contains soda and citric acid. a reaction will begin in the water.