DIY lamps

Any homemade lamp beautiful and unusual. Of course, no one has this except you! I will give you a couple of dozen designs of homemade lamps. After all, the main thing is the idea, not the material!
I won't describe each one homemade lamp in detail - everything is clear.

The first lamp is more like food for thought, but if you really want to, we can make it come true.

Road trick. Learned ? + many small holes.

Lamps from CD. All clear.

From the cassettes, don’t throw them away....

But they say an old washing machine is no good. . .

Bottles. We have already covered how to drill glass and even made a similar lamp with broken glass.

Here is the topic of burnt out light bulbs.

An original lamp consisting of 3 fluorescent lamps.

And this is generally a very simple and original lamp.

A simple floor lamp. And very stylish too.

Made of thick cardboard with holes and covered with regular A4 paper

A board or rectangle of something at a distance from the wall.

Canister lamp.

Drawing rolled up into a tube. Everyone can draw such a drawing!

I really liked this lamp. An outline is drawn on the wall. A spotlight is directed at the upper part.And it looks as if a painted lamp is shining! Very original and stylish!

In any homemade lamp design, it is best to use energy-saving lamps. They practically do not heat up and do not melt structures.

This is how you can make the ordinary unusual.
Do more interesting things, it’s always great and wonderful!

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
Comments (6)
  1. DirectHands
    #1 DirectHands Guests 16 April 2011 05:26
    How to make the first "food for thought"?
  2. norlampion
    #2 norlampion Guests 17 October 2011 21:25
    Couldn’t you figure out how to insert a picture even more cleverly?)))
    #3 NOTFRONT Guests 17 October 2011 21:26
    For those who are not normal, there is a link below on how to insert a photo!
  4. norlampion
    #4 norlampion Guests 17 October 2011 21:23
    If it fits this time, here it is my gift floor lamp:
  5. Ruslan
    #5 Ruslan Guests 13 February 2014 20:20
    I could have written how to do it... it couldn’t have been worse
  6. Tata
    #6 Tata Guests 20 February 2014 13:28
    Cool ideas, but it’s really unclear how to do it :( I did something like this myself

    - everything here is made from scrap materials, except for the lampshade (ordered from the online store).
    I honestly stole the idea from another site, where everything is described quite well :)