Making earthen bricks

Making earthen bricks with your own hands
The cheapest building material that you can prepare yourself is earthen bricks. The undoubted advantage of earthen bricks is their low cost, environmental friendliness, and availability for production - the material for them lies literally under your feet. The earth beater is ideally suited for individual construction, for the construction of utility rooms, or even residential premises.
Clay soil is well suited for making bricks; if it is too greasy, add a little sand to it - the resulting mixture should not flow or crumble in your hands. The soil is taken from a depth of about half a meter, sifted from roots, stones, vegetation, debris, small pebbles are acceptable. A hole is dug, where the earthen material is kneaded tightly in the water with your feet; it should be plastic, but not spread, keep its shape, but not be too dry. You can add shavings and chopped straw to the earthen dough.
It is believed that the optimal brick size is 25x10x10 centimeters, but they can be made larger, up to half a meter long. They make a molding machine of the required size, clear a smooth, spacious area on which the finished bricks will be made and dried.From the stretcher, the earthen mixture is put with a shovel into the molding machine to the edges, crushed, the excess mixture protruding above the edges is removed, the board is raised, the machine is raised, the finished brick comes out of the machine and remains in place for drying, the machine is placed next to the next brick. The bricks lie for at least three to four days, then they are turned over on their edges and continue to dry in this position. Drying of the finished brick ends in about four days.
The earthen brick is laid in the same way as a regular one. For masonry, you can use clay diluted with water.
The photo shows a mold for making bricks.
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Comments (1)
  1. Veent
    #1 Veent Guests March 1, 2012 21:09
    Yes, they are strong and heavy. Only the form, in my opinion, is made with too thick walls; it is probably heavy. Our walls were 1.5-2 cm thick, which in my opinion was more convenient.