How to wash a duvet cover in a washing machine so that things don't get stuck in it

If after washing, you opened the machine door and there was one big lump lying there, then this life hack will come in handy. A 100 percent way to ensure that not a single thing gets inside the duvet cover and interferes with the quality of the stick. After all, it’s not so scary that the duvet cover gets clogged, the scary thing is that the clothes may not be washed well, and even break the machine due to the fact that the centrifuge will begin to spin them with increased force.

How to wash a duvet cover correctly so that things don’t get stuck in it

Everything is very, very simple. Take the duvet cover by the slot - the window where the blanket is threaded. And stretch it.
How to wash a duvet cover in a washing machine so that things don't get stuck in it

We fold this slot with our hands into an accordion. Like this in the photo:
How to wash a duvet cover in a washing machine so that things don't get stuck in it

After everything has been assembled into an accordion, we take an old sewing elastic band and tie the accordion into a bow.
How to wash a duvet cover in a washing machine so that things don't get stuck in it

That's why I always have a small piece of elastic on hand in my bathroom. It turned out to be such a rose.
How to wash a duvet cover in a washing machine so that things don't get stuck in it

Now we wrap this rose inside the duvet cover and put it in the washing machine.You can distribute it carefully along the wall of the drum.
Next, we present the remaining items for washing.
That's all. Now not a single thing will get inside your washable duvet cover.
After washing, take out the duvet cover and remove the elastic band.
How to wash a duvet cover in a washing machine so that things don't get stuck in it

Everything is very simple.
Some people, unknowingly, even manage to sew up the duvet cover before washing so that nothing gets into it. Naturally, this is terribly labor-intensive and impractical.
This life hack will save you from this need and the laundry in your machine will definitely never bunch up into a single lump.

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Comments (2)
  1. Anton
    #1 Anton Guests 17 April 2020 11:29
    I just tie the duvet cover in a knot where the armhole is.
  2. Guest Yuri
    #2 Guest Yuri Guests 18 April 2020 01:20
    And I just fold the duvet cover several times so that the hole is inside - and this turns out to be enough, in 20 years nothing has ever gotten inside.