Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

While repairing my car, I was faced with the need to protect body parts from rust, while the materials available to me were either expensive or not effective enough. After several days of searching, the question arose, what is stopping me from preparing the composition for the anti-corrosion coating with my own hands. By and large, such materials are liquid plastics, in other words, they are polymers dissolved in organic solvents.
Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

The matter is basically simple. At the first stage, it is necessary to select a plastic and a solvent for it, at the second, grind the raw materials and add a reagent. What happened as a result of the implementation of this idea: read in the review.

Materials and tools used

  • Two test jars with tight-fitting lids.
  • For large volumes, you can use a bottle (PET) of vinegar or solvent as a container.
  • Pieces of various types of plastic: in our case, black is a fragment of the charger case, transparent is plexiglass, gray is from some kind of electronic device.
  • Three types of solvents: “646th”, acetone and xylene (for car enamels).

Tools you will need: pliers and a large file (rasp).

The process of preparing liquid polymer

Using your hands or using pliers, crumble the black plastic; the smaller the fragments, the better. Ideally, it should be turned into powder (flakes) with a rasp.
Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

We carry out a similar operation for plexiglass, putting the pieces into a container for analysis.
Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

Fill the crushed plexiglass with “646” solvents, and the plastic with xylene.
We pour enough liquid so that it completely covers the polymer raw material with a small margin. Plexiglas makes a good varnish; you can add a little xylene to slow down its polymerization.
Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

Shake the containers with our compositions thoroughly and leave them in a warm room for a couple of days. The container must be tightly closed to prevent the possibility of solvent evaporation.
Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

After this period, we open the containers and observe the result. Plastic and plexiglass completely dissolved and became suitable for anti-corrosion treatment of metal parts.
Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

We check the properties of the resulting composition: we lower a metal rod into it and see that the liquid plastic has high adhesion to its surface.
We apply the anti-corrosion compound with a brush to parts of the car body that need protection from rust. It is better to make a two- or three-layer coating with intermediate maintenance of each layer until completely dry.
Making liquid plastic for anti-corrosion coatings with your own hands

During work, it is necessary to observe safety precautions with active chemical liquids. The solvents used have a pungent odor and the room in which you conduct the experiments must have good ventilation.When pouring it into a container, you need to be very careful to avoid contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

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Comments (25)
  1. Sergey
    #1 Sergey Guests February 28, 2020 00:00
    Styrofoam turns into the same garbage along the way
    1. Zhorik
      #2 Zhorik Guests 28 February 2020 14:28
      Not really: 99% of foam is made from polystyrene, which is extremely unstable and its molecules are easily destroyed. Therefore, when the foam is dissolved, it will turn out to be shitty.
      In this case, we obtain precisely the liquid fraction of persistent polymers, which, after evaporation of the solvent, again become almost ordinary plastic.
      1. TC
        #3 TC Guests February 29, 2020 08:34
        nope, when the polystyrene foam dissolves, what you get is not, but a mega poisonous waste, which will remain with them after drying!
  2. Maksim
    #4 Maksim Guests February 28, 2020 08:28
    On my former cars, I smeared the bottom of the doors and sills with a different compound. I bought car plasticine at a car shop, warmed it up gently in an iron can, added a little waste (motor or transmission) and poured gasoline into it.And he applied it with a brush to a surface cleared of dirt and rust; if the “putty” thickened (the gasoline evaporated), he added gasoline again or gently heated it. Dust stuck to the “putty” brought my work to completion. Pros (tested over the years): the “putty” did not leak in hot weather (just do not overdo it with adding oil), the rust did not “creep” further, it lasts for years even where dirt flies from under the wheels. Just be careful - gasoline and heating are flammable.
  3. Vita
    #5 Vita Guests February 28, 2020 09:13
    I tried to dissolve the CD cases but it didn't work. So far only polystyrene: black and white. But acetone also dissolves this.
  4. Sergey K
    #6 Sergey K Visitors February 28, 2020 09:44
    Since when does 646 solvent have any effect on plexiglass? It requires dichloroethane...
    And it’s very strange to use PLASTIC containers when working with liquids that dissolve plastic ;)
    1. Zhorik
      #7 Zhorik Guests 28 February 2020 14:24
      plastic is different from plastic
    2. Zhorik
      #8 Zhorik Guests 28 February 2020 14:31
      It doesn’t bother you that solvents are sold in plastic bottles :-)
    3. Vita
      #9 Vita Guests March 3, 2020 08:32
      We are talking about black cases.... . Regarding the harm of polystyrene foam, please contact Rospotrebsoyuz.... I myself use it to impregnate the edges of shoes, this can be discussed..
    4. Vita
      #10 Vita Guests March 21, 2020 12:30
      I found this information elsewhere, where the author says that the solvent dissolves plexiglass, it really does dissolve/ Why is this information not complete?
  5. Alexei.
    #11 Alexei. Guests 29 February 2020 01:36
    How much different nonsense can be found on the Internet. One of them is to dissolve plexiglass with 646 solvent.
    1. Lyudmila
      #12 Lyudmila Guests 13 March 2020 23:39
      Exactly, the advice is not entirely professional.I fell for the advice of plexiglass + 646. It’s been standing for 4 days now, I’m constantly stirring very actively and as a result a very thick colloidal mixture has formed in lumps, which is impossible to apply anywhere. It doesn’t stick anywhere: neither to the iron rod with which I mix, nor to my hands.
      1. Yuri
        #13 Yuri Guests 14 March 2020 13:50
        Plexiglas is dissolved with acetone or dichloroethane.
        The main component of the 646th solvent is toluene, and there is only 7% acetone.
      2. Vita
        #14 Vita Guests March 24, 2020 09:35
        Lyudmila we need to experiment: maybe thick, maybe not plexiglass. I took transparent CD cases. I’ll also clarify the exact number of the solvent... / I tried to dissolve a pipe made of something like foam plastic, but it didn’t dissolve..
        1. Vita
          #15 Vita Guests 3 April 2020 07:43
          Let me clarify: I came across 647, previously purchased, and even dissolved dried polymer glue..
  6. Lark
    #16 Lark Guests 1 March 2020 13:23
    The described ersatz coatings have low adhesion and strength, and therefore are still inferior to industrial designs. The only advantage is that it is relatively cheap. Dot.
  7. Dmitry Ivansky
    #17 Dmitry Ivansky Guests March 5, 2020 07:51
    student to professor..I invented a liquid that dissolves literally everything.....professor to student..and you invented a vessel to store this liquid..
  8. Alexander
    #18 Alexander Guests 6 March 2020 20:41
    But the author is not surprised that after drying the composition has low plasticity. 100% hidden polka corrosion flourishes underneath.
  9. Vita
    #19 Vita Guests March 12, 2020 05:53
    The experiment showed that polystyrene foam can be the basis for acrylic paints, which do not adhere to polypropylene...
    1. homemade
      #20 homemade Guests March 15, 2020 11:18
      The best thing is linoleum. Dissolves well. Sticks and is elastic.
  10. smum
    #21 smum Guests 13 April 2020 18:04
    Advice to make metal rot faster