3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

Large sheets of plywood or OSB are very difficult to transport alone due to their size. To simplify this process and save effort and time, consider 3 homemade devices that will help one person move sheets without unnecessary complications and red tape.

3 attachments for carrying large sheets alone

Let's start with the simplest and end with the most difficult.

Method 1: use a rope

For it you will need an ordinary strong rope, like a clothesline, nylon. If your sheet is, say, 2.5 meters long, then take 6 meters of rope. Fold it in half.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

We tie the ends together. Now we slip one loop under one corner of the sheet.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

And the second one is under the other one. Now you can pull the rope from the middle and lift the sheet, holding it by the top with your other hand.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

Anyone can make such a device very quickly, but it will be difficult to move a large number of sheets with it, since the rope digs into the hand.

2 device

Further, the design is more complicated, but more effective. You will need: a piece of round stick, a piece of rope, a metal hook.
We wrap the piece of wood with rope and attach the other end to the hook.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

Using this device, it is much faster and easier to transport sheets over long distances and does not rub your hands.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

3 device

Now the most convenient device, but not the fastest to manufacture. It will take a lot of time, so it’s definitely not worth bothering with it because of 3-4 sheets.
The device also consists of a rectangular board, in the upper part of which there is a window under the arm.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

A slant with a bevel is screwed onto the bottom using self-tapping screws.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

The device is slipped under the sheet and lifts it. Very comfortably.
3 ways to easily carry large sheets of plywood alone

Which design to choose is up to you! Bye everyone!

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