I share the secrets of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers

I share the secrets of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers

I plant seedlings at the end of April. I choose hybrids. I like the varieties: German, Claudine, Mashenka, Annushka, Claudia. If you like small cucumbers, then it is better to buy the Friendly Family gherkin. All these varieties are not susceptible to fungal diseases and tobacco mosaic viruses. Early-ripening, high-yielding cucumbers are suitable for planting in a greenhouse. They are good for pickling and canning. "Herman" can be planted in an open garden bed.

How do I grow seedlings

Before planting the seeds, I soak them in a solution of manganese permanganate. I take a cotton cloth measuring 10 cm by 10 cm and soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate. I put the seeds on the fabric, wrap them and pack them in cellophane.
I make a solution based on the proportion of 1 mg of potassium permanganate per 0.5 liter of water.
I put everything on a saucer and put it on the heating radiator.
After two or three days I open it and see if the seeds have sprouted. If they produce green sprouts, I plant them in yogurt cups. I pour earth in there and compact it.
I put the sprouted seed, cover it with soil and water it generously with potassium permanganate. Why manganese? It is an excellent antiseptic and kills bacteria and microorganisms.
Then I cover the glass with film and place it next to the radiator.
After 4-5 days, cucumber shoots appear.
I keep the seedlings on the sunny side of the house. I water as the soil dries out.
I transplant it into a greenhouse when the average daily temperature is above seven to eight degrees. I replant if there is already one main leaf.
Cucumbers are very delicate, and operations must be done very carefully. I'm preparing the land. I dig it up, add manure, and loosen it well. I plant seedlings at intervals of 25 centimeters from each other.
After planting in the greenhouse, I cover the seedlings with newspapers from the sun. I water the plantings generously.
I share the secrets of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers

Cucumbers love moisture. But they are afraid of drafts. Therefore, in the greenhouse I leave the window open on one side.
I share the secrets of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers

Every three to four days I loosen the soil and weed out the weeds.
When the first flowers appear, I add fertilizer. To do this, I dilute the ash with water in the proportion of 1 glass of coal per bucket of water.
Attention. I water the vegetable only with warm water, preferably rainwater. To heat the water, I put a bucket in the greenhouse; by evening it is already warm.
My first training camp is in mid-June. I carefully cut the fruits with scissors so as not to damage the vines.
I share the secrets of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers

These were my secrets for growing green vegetables.
I share the secrets of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers

I share the secrets of growing a rich harvest of cucumbers
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