How and with what to wash the carpet in the car

With the appearance of slush on the street, the carpets in the car turn into a continuous layer of dirt. It eats away so much that dry vacuuming does nothing. They can only be washed with products that produce foam, which removes and lifts dirt.
How and with what to wash the carpet in the car

What you will need:

  • powder stain remover;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • alcohol;
  • glass cleaner;
  • brush;
  • washing vacuum cleaner.

The process of preparing the product and cleaning the rugs

A measuring spoon of stain remover is poured into an empty bottle.
powder stain remover

pour a measuring spoon of stain remover

Then add 2-4 tbsp. dishwashing detergent.
Then add dish detergent

It gives good foam and also dissolves fat. Also pour in 3 tbsp of alcohol and 6 tbsp. glass cleaning products. All this is topped up with hot water to get a volume of about 2 liters.
glass cleaners

A hole is made in the cap of the bottle with the product, then through it the composition is gradually poured onto the dirty rugs. Immediately you need to go over them with a stiff brush, the harder and longer, the better.
The process of cleaning carpet in a car

Washing the carpet in the car

If the mats are very dirty, then after the foam has formed, you need to let them stand for a couple of hours without allowing them to dry out. Then you should brush again and collect dirty water and foam with a washing vacuum cleaner.To ensure that all the dirt is gone, you can add a little water, washing out the heavy sediment so that it can be sucked up with a hose.
collect dirty water with foam using a washing vacuum cleaner

After washing, the car doors should be left open, so the mats will dry faster.

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