4 signs of how to spot a sweet watermelon
Most people, when buying a watermelon, choose it for good luck. As a result, sometimes it turns out to be sweet, and sometimes it is so sweet that you have to throw it away. Having learned these secrets, you will be able to choose only sweet, ripe watermelons.
1. Look at the ponytail
If the tail of a watermelon is torn off and torn green fibers are visible instead, this means that it was picked unripe. It's not worth buying. The tail should be dried and brown.
2. Assess the field spot
An unripe watermelon has a light colored field spot. In ripe fruit it is yellow. The pale spot only appears on early-picked watermelons that have not yet ripened enough to become sweet.
3. Press down on the peel
When pressed firmly with your finger, the rind of a ripe watermelon becomes slightly dented. If it is completely hard, then it is a green fruit.
4. Tap the peel
When you tap a ripe watermelon with your finger, you can hear a ringing sound. If he is deaf, then the fruit inside is not yet ripe. This is one of the main signs by which unsweetened watermelons can be rejected.
Just remember this, and when choosing a watermelon, look first at the tail so that it is brown.Do not take fruit with a light non-yellow field spot, hard skin, or a dull hum when tapped. Knock on several watermelons, and you will immediately understand the difference in sound, and you will be able to determine which one is sonorous and, accordingly, sweeter.