Bouquet of autumn leaves

In autumn, sometimes you really want your home to look warm and cozy. But even a small bouquet, playing with bright colors, can enliven the interior of an apartment and lift your spirits on these gloomy, rainy, bad days. And it’s not at all necessary to rush to a flower kiosk in pursuit of a good mood. A bright and original bouquet can be made from multi-colored autumn leaves, which autumn so generously gifts us with.
In order to make a bouquet we will need: beautiful autumn leaves (try to take leaves that have a fairly sinewy, but at the same time quite flexible base, for example: leaves of maple, grape, linden), sprigs of rowan or viburnum, saucer, scissors, tape, threads and a little imagination.

And so, first we will decorate our saucer, which will serve as the basis for the future bouquet. To make the “bed” of the bouquet more original and colorful, you can use leaves of various trees and shrubs, twigs of viburnum or rowan, and stems of dried flowers. Since our bouquet does not imply much durability, we will simply attach the leaves to the saucer with tape.

leaves of different trees

attach leaves to saucer

secure with tape


Once the base is prepared, you can begin making flowers. For this we will use the most common leaves.We take one leaf and roll it into a tube - this is the core of our future flower. To prevent the leaf from unwinding, we grab the lower part of the resulting core with threads.

roll the leaf into a tube

leaf in a tube

Now let's start making the remaining petals for our autumn flowers. Fold the leaf in half and wrap it around the core to form a petal. Having formed each subsequent petal, do not forget to wrap it well with threads to the base so that the flower does not lose its shape and does not crumble.

making the remaining petals

repeat the operations

twist some more

it turned out to be a flower

When the number of flowers required for your bouquet is ready, you can begin assembling the bouquet. We don’t complicate the task for ourselves and attach the flowers to the base with the same tape. Now all that remains is to complement the composition with small decorative branches and our autumn bouquet is ready.

compositions are easy to perform

Bouquet of autumn leaves

make a bouquet of leaves

Such compositions are quite simple to perform, so even their fragility is not a problem. To slightly extend the life of such a bouquet, you can add a small amount of water to the saucer, but you will have to change it daily. So, this is rather extra work, because autumn, generous with colors, allows you to create small masterpieces from autumn leaves as soon as you have the desire to create.

DIY bouquet
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