An easy-to-replicate design of a “long-lasting” auto-feeder and auto-drinker for poultry

The design of this automatic feeder and automatic drinker is very easy and can be repeated, due to the fact that materials available to everyone are used. Agree, it’s not difficult to find a plastic bucket on the farm, say for whitewash, and a 5-liter PET bottle. Thanks to just these two details, you can make a “dining room” that will easily provide the bird with food and drink for several days.

Making a poultry feeder from scrap materials

Before making the feeder and drinker, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the “parts”.

Making an automatic feeder

A plastic bucket needs to be marked for cutting out windows, see photo.

The window for the bottle is made in the bottom of the bucket.

Next, using a stationery knife, you need to cut out the windows.

And a hole for a PET bottle on top. The verda lid remains unchanged for the feeder.

Then you need to cut out windows at the bottom of the bottle.

All that remains is to close the bucket with a lid and place the bottle inside and the automatic feeder is ready.

Making a drinker

The automatic drinker is made a little differently. Side windows are also cut out in the bucket, but the hole for the bottle is made not in the bottom of the bucket, but in its lid. The handle is cut off from the bottle.

A small hole is burned in the upper part using a soldering iron.

To prevent the sharp edges of the buckets from injuring the bird, they must be insulated. Take and cut the silicone tube lengthwise.

Apply glue or sealant and glue the tubes.

Feeder and drinker in action

Pour water, fill the grain into containers.

An even bigger advantage of this design is that the feeder and tray do not need to be suspended or secured at all. Just place it on a flat surface and that’s it.

The bird is happy and provided with everything it needs.

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Comments (1)
  1. Victor
    #1 Victor Guests 31 May 2022 14:14
    A bird should not eat around the clock! She gets fat and stops laying eggs