How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in August: tricks and stimulating feeding

Midsummer is a long-awaited period for summer residents, because the time has come to reap the fruits of their labor. In many regions, it is at the end of July and August that the mass ripening of natural homemade tomatoes begins. But if the weather is rainy or the area is northern, tomatoes can remain green for a long time even at the end of the season. But are there ways to spur their maturation? The answer is yes. However, first it is important to understand the reasons for the delay in harvest.

Why garden tomatoes are in no hurry to turn red

1. Late sowing. Beginner gardeners often do not take into account the varietal characteristics of certain tomatoes. Meanwhile, many varieties begin to sing only 100 days after sowing. This means that if you start sowing in May, you will definitely not be able to get a harvest in August.

2. Climatic conditions and weather. If it is cool, rainy or dry outside, and there are frequent temperature changes, tomatoes will have trouble growing. They will respond with growth retardation and delay in fruit ripening.

3. Lack of stepsoning. It is important to free tall tomatoes from excess vegetation as necessary.Otherwise, the bushes will fatten and grow rich foliage, and this will delay the growth and “ripening” of the fruits.

4. Fertilizer. Deficiency of microelements, especially phosphorus and potassium, can be detrimental to plants. They will respond to this with a meager and late harvest.

How to stimulate fruit ripening

The situation can be corrected if you periodically fertilize in July-August:

  • This solution stimulates flowering and fruit setting. For 5 liters of water take: 5 g of boric acid, manganese on the tip of a knife, 10 g of urea. The composition is watered at the roots of the bushes.
  • Iodine tincture accelerates ripening: 2 drops of iodine are needed for 0.5 liters of water. Spray the leaves of the tomatoes.
  • Tomatoes will quickly change color from vodka injections. To do this, you need to inject the tomato stalk with a syringe filled with alcohol. The norm is just a little bit.

By the way! Among the folk tricks, summer residents use the following techniques to ripen tomatoes: gradually remove the lower tiers of foliage (no more than 2 per day), pruning at the right time, pinching the tops, placing apple peelings or banana peels at the foot of the bushes.

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