How to get a special decoration?

Namely, decoration made of polymer clay, or, as it is also called, plastic (thermoplastic). This material is quite easy to use: it resembles plasticine. Sometimes it is called “adult plasticine”. And rightly so, because this material is not a children’s toy at all. After finishing working with polymer clay, the finished jewelry should be put in the oven, and after that your hands should be washed thoroughly.

Today I will talk about how to make stud earrings.

For this we need:
1) stationery knife
2)waterproof glue
3) needle
4) Studs are the basis for our earrings
5) A sheet of paper (you can take glass, ceramic tiles - this is so that the working surface is uniform, without relief)
6) foil
7) varnish (varnishes are sold in specialized stores, with their help you can add shine to the product and enhance the color saturation; but if there is no such store in your city, you can use the most ordinary transparent nail varnish)
8) The polymer clay itself. You can choose any color.

How to get a special decoration?

Before starting work, you should wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic.And we start by kneading the clay well in our hands so that it warms up and looks more like plasticine. Next, we separate a small piece from the total mass, roll it out into a flat cake with our fingers, and wrap it like pita bread:

Next, we roll out exactly the same circle or oval and attach it to our core, which we have already made. To make the petal more natural, use a needle to slightly “tuck” the edges. It should look something like this:

Next we attach a few more petals. You can choose the size of the flower yourself, depending on your preferences and desires. Standard diameter is approximately 1.4 - 1.8 cm

We got this flower. Carefully place it on a sheet of paper or tile, and make another one in the same way.

If your flowers don’t turn out exactly the same, don’t be upset, because in nature you will never find two identical trees or leaves.
We place our two flowers on foil, which we place on a baking sheet. We bake the earrings in the oven. The time and temperature should be indicated on the plastic packaging. If you don’t have this packaging, or you can’t find it, polymer clay should be baked at 130 degrees Celsius for 15-30 minutes (this depends on the thickness and volume crafts) 10 minutes is enough for our earrings (again, this depends on the plastic itself).
When baking, pay special attention to the smell. If you smell any unusual or unfamiliar aroma, immediately remove the jewelry from the oven and open the windows. If you overexpose the plastic, this specific smell will give you a headache, because this clay is a toxic substance.
After the earrings are ready, let them cool.Later, glue the flowers and accessories as described in the instructions for using the glue you purchased. After the glue has hardened, apply varnish to the earrings; this will increase the service life of plastic jewelry.

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Comments (1)
  1. Marina
    #1 Marina Guests 14 June 2013 22:27
    Great MK! Thanks to the site!