Box for small items “Swan”

Good afternoon. I, like many girls and women, adore boxes, especially if they are unusual. So I decided to please myself and make a small box in the shape of a swan with my own hands. If you also want to make such a box, then I will now show you and, of course, tell you how to make it. To make such a box we will need.
-White polyethylene.
-Paint white, red.
-Glue moment, PVA.
-Cardboard white, black.
First, take a bottle and cut a hole in it using a utility knife. We need to cut it out carefully, since the cut out piece of the bottle will serve as a lid for the box. Here's what I got.


cut a hole in it

Then we take the wire, I took aluminum because it bends well. We cut off two pieces 30 centimeters long and make a neck for the future swan. You will need to remove the cap from the bottle, make two holes in it and insert a wire into them. We secure the ends of the wire inside the lid.

take the wire

insert a wire into them

make two holes in it

The neck is almost ready, all that remains is to give it a little volume. To do this you will need to make tubes from newspapers. They are easy to do.Take a knitting needle and a strip of newspaper 2 centimeters wide. We place the knitting needle on the strip at an angle of 45% degrees. Glue the end of the strip using PVA glue. Then you will need to insert a wire through the tubes and wrap the wire around these tubes, which is attached to the bottle cap. Thus, the swan's neck became more voluminous. Only the upper ends of the wire do not need to be wrapped. The swan's head will then be attached to them. That's it, the cap needs to be screwed back to the bottle.

make tubes from newspapers

make tubes from newspapers

make tubes from newspapers

attaches to bottle cap

attaches to bottle cap

attaches to bottle cap

Now we need newspaper, tear it into small pieces and cover the outside and inside of our bottle. The cut out cover will also need to be covered in the same way. We use PVA as glue, but you can use paste. This option will be more economical, since you will need a lot of glue.

tear it into small pieces

cover the bottle

cover the bottle

After the glue has dried, take white paint and paint the inside of the bottle and its bottom outside. The inside of the lid will also need to be painted.

paint the inside

paint dries

While the paint dries, let's start making “feathers” for our swan. To do this, I took white handles from plastic bags. If you don’t have these, then simply cut strips of polyethylene 4 centimeters wide and 40 centimeters long.

cut strips

We fold these strips several times and cut the fringe from one edge, without cutting to the end of the workpiece. You will need a lot of such blanks.

fold the strips

fold the strips

Then, when the paint has dried, we take one such blank and roll it several more times to make a tube. Apply glue to the edge where there is no fringe and glue it to the bottle. You need to start gluing from the bottom. To do this, take moment or rubber glue.

roll up

roll up

Start gluing

Thus, we cover the entire bottle (except for painted surfaces). We do the same with the lid.

cover the entire bottle

After we have covered the entire bottle, we will work on the swan's neck.To do this, we again need a strip of polyethylene 4 centimeters wide, and the length can be any. Fold the strip several times and cut the fringe again, without cutting to the edge. Then we straighten the fringe and wrap it around the swan’s neck. You need to start from the bottom, fix the edges with glue.

let's take care of the swan's neck

let's take care of the swan's neck

let's take care of the swan's neck

That's it, the swan is almost ready, all that remains is to make its head. First, it’s better to make a head pattern on paper, and then cut it out of a piece of foam plastic.

make a head

make a head

The head also needs to be covered with newspaper.

cover with newspaper

When the glue dries, paint the head white.

paint your head white

While the paint dries, we will make the swan's eyes. To do this, take black and white cardboard and cut out blanks for the eyes from it. We glue them together, and then glue them on the head.

stick it on your head

We will paint the beak with red paint. Now all that remains is to put the head on the ends of the wire on the neck.

Paint the beak with red paint

All that remains is to glue the head. Let's take polyethylene and cut it into strips 0.5 centimeters wide and 4 centimeters long. You need to smear one end of the strip with glue and glue it to the head.

cover your head

swan box

Our swan box is ready. You can put various small items and jewelry inside.

swan box

swan box

swan box

swan box

I hope you liked the box in the shape of a swan. Goodbye.
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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