Christmas tree made from garbage bags

New Year is coming soon and now you have a good opportunity to make a Christmas tree with your own hands, which will be an excellent souvenir for the New Year's holiday.
The Christmas tree is very simple to make. But to do this you need to know how to crochet. Therefore, this is more likely a craft for girls or for mothers. We will knit not from traditional knitting threads, but from garbage bags.

For crafts you will need the following materials:
• 3 garbage bags of different colors. It is better to take blue, green or light green and white. If you don't have white, you can buy purple.
• Scissors
• Crochet hook
• After the tree is connected, we will need the base of the tree, that is, a stick or whatever comes to hand. You can take some not very large kitchen item: a mashed potato masher or a rolling pin. We will put a Christmas tree on it.

3 garbage bags of different colors

Next, we take one garbage bag and roll it into a tube. Using scissors, we cut strips about 1.5 cm thick. The bag is twisted along its length. If the strip is a little thinner, it’s not a problem, but it’s better not to make it thin. So as not to tear.

cut strips

Then, after cutting the strips, they straighten and tie together. It turns out to be “yarn”.
After the yarn is ready, we begin to knit. Knitting technology is not important. You can knit with patterns, or you can do simple knitting, one chain stitch without crochet.

let's start knitting

And so on in a circle. The size of the circle can be arbitrary. How big do you need the tree? If it is tabletop, then you can make a circle with a diameter of 50 cm. The second circle is made 20 cm larger and the third another 20 cm larger than the second. So, we get three circles.

we get three circles

Christmas tree is ready

They can be of different colors. According to your taste. You can alternate stripes. You can make the tree completely monochromatic, green. Then attach Christmas decorations, garlands, and beads to the tree. You can sew or glue pieces of cotton wool to make it look like snow.

Christmas tree made from trash bags

After the end of the New Year, the Christmas tree can be used as a rug, as it is made of waterproof material. You can also fantasize with it and come up with another purpose for it, for example, bedding for an animal.

DIY Christmas tree
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