Coconut oil

The nutritional value of coconut is known even far beyond the paradises of the world where it grows. And legends are made about the magical properties of coconut oil. It is simultaneously nourishing, softening, regenerating, moisturizing, strengthening, protective and antibacterial. Moreover, it can be used for hair, nails, face and body. As a cream, as a mask, and even as a tanning product. As you can see, one such oil can replace dozens of jars of creams, lotions and masks.

To get such a unique care product, now you don’t have to go to the tropics or scour the shops and pharmacies of your city, and then also pay a fairly high price. Today we will learn how to make this oil with our own hands at home! Without spending a lot of money and effort on it, and without using any hard-to-find ingredients. Moreover, having made it yourself, you will know for sure that this product is 100% natural, without any dyes, fragrances or thickeners that are used in store-bought products.

All we need is a regular coconut, available in almost any supermarket. Exactly the way they sell it here - brown.In those countries where they grow, the local population no longer uses such coconuts for food and does not drink their juice. Since this is considered to be an old coconut. It is hardened both outside (its shell) and inside - there is practically no coconut milk there anymore, and what is there is no longer as tasty as in young coconuts. And the flesh of an old coconut is already completely hard. In the tropics, such coconuts are used only for the production of coconut flakes or cosmetics, such as coconut oil. It is impossible to make it from a young, green coconut - its flesh is thin and soft, not yet soaked in coconut milk. In an old, brown coconut there is much less milk because almost all of it is absorbed into the coconut flesh, saturating it with its fat content and nutritional value. All this in this case is only to our advantage - it is the old brown coconut that we need.

So, let's take a brown coconut. On one side it has three dark holes. Carefully pierce each of them with an awl or a thin screwdriver.

pierce brown coconut with a screwdriver

We pour the coconut milk into the container through these holes and set it aside for now - we will need it later.

drain coconut milk

We tap the coconut from all sides along the perimeter (along its “sides”), as a result of which sooner or later a transverse crack will definitely appear along it.

cross crack of coconut

Now we take the fruit out of the shell. We get white coconut flesh in a brown soft skin. We completely cut off this brown skin with a knife.

cut the coconut flesh with a knife

coconut pulp

Grind the white coconut pulp on a very fine grater.

grated coconut pulp

Carefully pour the resulting coconut shavings with the coconut milk that we previously poured out of the coconut. Stir until the mass is more or less homogeneous and let it soak a little in the coconut milk and brew.

pour coconut milk

After that, grind this mass in a juicer (or blender).

mass in a juicer

It is ideal if you have a juicer that immediately separates the juice from the pulp.

separates juice from pulp

The juice is our oil. But, as a rule, a lot of it still remains in the resulting shavings. Therefore, we will squeeze it out again, manually. We pour our shavings onto a clean cotton cloth or gauze, roll it up and strongly squeeze the remaining oil into the container where we keep the previously extracted oil.

our oil

crumbled coconut

We retain dry and crumbly coconut shavings in the fabric, which you can then use in cooking or, mixed with honey, as a body scrub. In the dishes we are left with pure coconut oil in liquid form.

crumbled coconut

We cover the liquid oil with something and leave it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

24 hours in the refrigerator

After a day, the oil hardens and becomes hard. Only water settles at the bottom.

24 hours in the refrigerator

To drain the water, we pierce the top hardened layer of oil with a wooden stick and carefully drain the water through the resulting hole.

the oil hardens

We can store the remaining oil in the refrigerator for about two weeks and use it as a cream, mask or balm. Enjoy using it!

Coconut oil

Coconut oil
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