How to clean a car engine yourself

The engine, like all car parts, is susceptible to contamination. The outer surface of the motor should be cleaned periodically to prevent the motor from overheating. You can clean the outside of the engine with the help of a car wash specialist, but you can do the job yourself.
Since the surface of the engine becomes contaminated with oil and dust during operation, it should be cleaned periodically.

How to clean a car engine

To clean the outer surface of the engine, it is necessary to use special-purpose products. For work, it is advisable to use a product with a spray.

How to clean a car engine

Engine cleaning steps.
1. First, apply a cleaning agent to the surface of the engine. In this case, the engine should not be hot. The engine temperature should be no more than 30°. Such conditions contribute to better cleaning. Work must be done carefully so that the product does not get into the face area.

How to clean a car engine

2. It is imperative to spray the cleaning agent into hard-to-reach areas of the engine.

How to clean a car engine

3. After the product is applied to the surface of the engine, wait a while.In 20 to 30 minutes, the cleaning agent will “corrode” the dirt and facilitate the further cleaning process.

How to clean a car engine

4. At the next stage of cleaning, it is necessary to wash off the dirt. Doing this work more conveniently and efficiently with the help of various devices, such as a spray gun and a compressor.

How to clean a car engine

5. The spray gun is connected to the compressor tube. Then secure the gun in a bottle of clean warm water.

How to clean a car engine

6. After that, you need to turn on the compressor and wash off the dirt from the surface of the engine under pressure.

How to clean a car engine

7. If necessary, repeat the work.
8. Finally, allow the surface of the engine to dry.

How to clean a car engine

Clean the engine periodically. Such work will extend the life of the engine for a long time.
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Comments (10)
  1. Alexander
    #1 Alexander Guests July 30, 2016 01:35
    It’s interesting how “Such work will extend the life of the engine for a long time.” will they extend the life of the engine? You also add the possibility that the wiring will begin to oxidize faster.
  2. Guest Evgeniy
    #2 Guest Evgeniy Guests December 5, 2017 12:50
    good afternoon, I read how to clean a car engine, I decided to write how I and my friends do it, without going into details, the general meaning is that you roughly pour diesel fuel on you, give it time to become limp, and then wash it with household chemicals (Tide Ariel gentle hands, that is, any cleaning or washing agent to your taste, personally I I use dishwashing detergent) the result is my opinion, the diesel engine dilutes the dirt on the engine, it is basically a mixture of oil and dust and subsequently leaves a film that prevents corrosion, and household chemicals wash away the dirt (if you warm up the diesel engine, you can clean the 1900 engine without any problems) please do not blame me for the language
    1. Alexei
      #3 Alexei Guests 5 February 2018 19:37
      If you allow a film to remain, dust will stick ten times faster than if you leave it completely clean and free of grease.
  3. Alexei
    #4 Alexei Guests 5 February 2018 19:40
    99% engine wash products: use on a cold engine (highly flammable). Those. Let's say you need to come to the garage and leave the engine to cool. In summer, depending on the temperature, this will take up to several hours. Those. You need to spend a whole day in the garage to wash your car safely. Great!
    1. Konstantin
      #5 Konstantin Guests 18 March 2018 17:22
      What's stopping you from washing it in the morning?
      1. Azazello
        #6 Azazello Guests 21 May 2018 22:55
        Busts and bustles, gets in the way.
  4. Guest Vladimir
    #7 Guest Vladimir Guests 22 May 2018 21:19
    They washed my engine at a cool service center and as a result they burned out the generator. To their credit, they replaced the generator for free, I understand my guilt. Therefore, not everything is as simple as it is written here. The generator must be very carefully protected from the penetration of not only special equipment, but also simple water.
  5. Guest Sergey
    #8 Guest Sergey Guests 15 July 2018 09:38
    Firstly, disconnect. Secondly, we close the electrics. Then we start washing. You can use diesel fuel or kerosene through a sprayer. After 30 minutes, rinse off preferably with hot water. Treat with a degreaser or gasoline through a sprayer. For safety, rinse with water. Roll the car away from the washing area. Remove the protection connect the battery and go.
  6. Guest Vladimir
    #9 Guest Vladimir Guests January 14, 2019 09:13
    Everything is correct, and most importantly “affordable”... after all, everyone has a compressor and a spray gun lying around in their garage... It’s easier to pay 300-400 rubles at the car wash and the specialists will do it for you in half an hour and very cleanly. Don't say it's expensive - after all, we wash the engine almost once a year...
    1. Gennady
      #10 Gennady Guests 24 January 2019 16:17
      We still need to find a car wash where they can wash the engine.