Effective DIY mosquito repellent

Buying mosquito repellent and midge repellent is not difficult at all these days. In any associated pharmacy there is a huge and varied number of them. But sometimes it happens that this very remedy at the right moment unexpectedly runs out or gets lost. If you are in a city or other locality where there are shops and pharmacies, then of course you can just go and buy what you need, but if you are already far from civilization, your vacation experience can be spoiled by annoying mosquitoes and midges. If you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation, you can make your own mosquito repellent. The product is wonderful, protects against all types of bloodsuckers! Moreover, it can be made literally from what is lying on the ground! Of its components, you only need a little alcohol. Surely, every fisherman or tourist has a flask with vodka or cognac. Or a bottle of alcohol in the first aid kit.

Will need

  • Tin jar with lid.
  • A tin can without a lid (slightly smaller in diameter).
  • Birch bark.
  • Alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid (at least 40 degrees).
  • Matches and brushwood for a small fire.
  • A jar or small bottle for the finished product.

Preparing an effective mosquito repellent

First you need to collect birch bark. You shouldn’t immediately rush to strip the nearest birch trees: bark from fallen trees or trees lying on the ground will do just fine. It is even better than fresh - it contains more tar. It is birch tar that will be the basis for the product. To remove tar from the bark, you need to tear it into strips the width of a tin can with a lid.

I don’t think there will be any problems finding cans!

So; tear the bark into strips the width of the jar and roll these strips up with a tape measure as tightly as possible. When the skein becomes the diameter of a tin can, place the skein in this jar.

Now take the second jar. We measure its height with a branch and dig a depression in the ground equal to the height of the second, empty jar. There is one subtlety here; it is necessary that the jar located in the ground be slightly smaller in caliber than the jar with bark. Now we place the empty jar in the hole, fill the edges around the jar with earth so that its edges are flush with the ground.

Next, make a small hole in the bottom of the jar with bark. Nail or knife.

We place this jar on a jar dug into the ground so that the hole in the top jar with bark falls into the bottom jar.

Now we cover the top jar with a lid, line it with brushwood or firewood and set it on fire.

As it burns, throw it into the fire. It is necessary to maintain the fire for half an hour. The fire should not be too large or powerful. The main thing is that the flames and coals completely cover the top jar.

In this way we expel tar from birch bark. As a result, after half an hour, we will get a certain amount of tar.

A two hundred gram jar filled with bark will yield approximately 40-50 ml. tar. Now pour the resulting tar into the prepared bottle, and pour alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid into it.

In proportions 1 to 2. That is, for one share of tar we add two shares of alcohol or vodka. Shake thoroughly. That's it, the product is ready.

Dampen a cotton wool or cloth with it, apply it to exposed skin and it will perfectly protect you from all types of blood-sucking insects - mosquitoes, midges, horseflies and ticks. Also, it is absolutely harmless to any skin. Well, don’t let the dark color of the product scare anyone: when applied to the skin it is absolutely invisible. In addition, it washes off perfectly with warm water and soap.

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Comments (11)
  1. ali.bar60.
    #1 ali.bar60. Guests July 16, 2018 08:38
    ...tar is an ancient remedy for humans and livestock! You can even lubricate it instead of grease. It will also help well against body burns, //only pure, not diluted/. Treats hemorrhoids. When the skin is impregnated, shoes will not be demolished, like the raincoats and jackets of commissars in 1917..., and many many others?..!!!
    Sincerely, grandfather Vasily...mutant of the USSR nuclear test site...July 16...from A.D..
    1. Guest Alexander
      #2 Guest Alexander Guests 16 July 2018 21:28
      You would first learn to express your thoughts in such a way that it would be understandable to everyone...otherwise why would you write anything at all?
  2. shteave
    #3 shteave Guests July 17, 2018 09:29
    does it really work, and for how long?
    1. gvsp
      #4 gvsp Guests 20 July 2018 13:50
      It has been working for thousands of years.
  3. Valentine
    #5 Valentine Guests 20 July 2018 14:06
    Is it hard to take tar soap? And nothing else is needed
  4. dbr
    #6 dbr Guests 21 July 2018 16:31
    It’s not easier to buy tar at the pharmacy and prepare your own remedy without any problems
  5. Victor Polevich
    #7 Victor Polevich Guests 6 August 2018 10:06
    I make a proposal..Synthesize Tar, to save Mother Nature..
  6. Mark Twain
    #8 Mark Twain Guests 9 August 2018 13:18
    If you roll around in tar and then in chicken feathers, then not only mosquitoes will shy away...
  7. Vovan
    #9 Vovan Guests 12 February 2019 14:34
    In the sun, skin treated with tar becomes defenseless. You have to be careful with him. Google to the rescue.
  8. ali.bar60.
    #10 ali.bar60. Guests February 28, 2019 03:26
    ...everything is true, and in relation to any insects, even mandavos...!!! The method is many thousand years old! A simple tar remover. Tar is a good antiseptic, antibacterial and generally ANTI against many diseases..! Treats burns, sores, rashes, inflammations, hemorrhoids, etc...,pr...,pr..! Since ancient times they have been treating cattle, themselves, good for lubricating cart axles, bearings, etc...! The only negative... is for aristocrats... but the smell of smoke, wood, life, pleasant for the peasant...!!!
    Happy Grandfather Vasily..2019..February 28...from R.H..
  9. Vania
    #11 Vania Guests 16 November 2022 09:27
    Yes, probably only if it gets on your clothes you will have to throw it away, it is unlikely that you will be able to wash it, in the old days they used to smear the gates with something they didn’t like....