Strawberry soufflé

With the arrival of the summer season and the appearance of delicious berries, you can prepare various dishes and desserts from them.
I suggest making strawberry soufflé. It turns out very tender and airy and just melts in your mouth, and thanks to the fresh berries, the dessert turns out to be very aromatic.
The soufflé preparation technology is based on beating the fruit mass with sugar and gelatin, so this recipe will not work without a mixer.
To prepare the soufflé you need:
- fresh strawberries 100 g;
- powdered sugar 75 g;
- gelatin 8 g;
- water for soaking gelatin;
- lemon juice.
Strawberry soufflé

1. Wash the strawberries and remove the stems. Transfer it to a blender bowl and grind it into a homogeneous puree.
Strawberry soufflé

Strawberry soufflé

2. Fill the gelatin with water and let it swell.
Strawberry soufflé

3. Combine strawberry puree with powdered sugar and stir until smooth, add a little lemon juice to eliminate the cloying taste. Pour the strawberry mixture into a metal container and put it on low heat, warming everything until the sugar particles are completely dissolved.
Strawberry soufflé

Strawberry soufflé

3. Warm the gelatin to a liquid consistency and mix with strawberry puree. The strawberry mixture must cool completely before beating.
Strawberry soufflé

Strawberry soufflé

4.Now we will beat the mass with a mixer at high speed. The soufflé mass can be considered ready when it increases several times in volume and changes its color to a lighter color.
Strawberry soufflé

Strawberry soufflé

5. To form the soufflé, I use a silicone mold. Pour the strawberry mixture into it, smooth it out with a spoon and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.
Strawberry soufflé

6. Using a knife, cut the finished soufflé into cubes and remove from the mold. Transfer to a plate with powdered sugar and roll on all sides. The soufflé is ready to serve.
Strawberry soufflé

Strawberry soufflé

Strawberry soufflé

These airy cubes will undoubtedly appeal to little ones with a sweet tooth, especially since they contain only natural products compared to store-bought desserts.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing a soufflé; you can prepare a delicate and airy dessert for guests and family at any time.
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Comments (1)
  1. Irinaalexa
    #1 Irinaalexa Guests 27 August 2017 14:32
    Try replacing sand with a sweetener (for example, take a natural one - fitparad) and in general you will get a dietary treat. I love recipes like this, I take them to my place.