Bunny Lyubasha

The best present For any holiday - a handmade craft. Store shelves are full of identical toys; faceless products do not please the soul. Moreover, they have a high cost. It is much better to sew a simple toy with your own hands. This will take very little time; all the necessary materials are often at hand. A bunny giving her heart will serve as a wonderful gift for February 14 or March 8. It will take a minimum of time and money, and the result will be remembered for a long time.
First you need to decide what the bunny will look like. There are a lot of options. You can sew a primitive toy without an outfit or make a dress. The main thing is to approach the gift with imagination and invention.
List of required materials:
  • Cotton body fabric. In this case, white chintz was used.
  • Fabric for a dress. You can use fabric of any texture and color. It is advisable to add lace.
  • Red fabric. You will need a very small piece to sew the heart.
  • Sintepon. Any synthetic filler will do.
  • Beads. Used for eyes and nose; in extreme cases, they can be drawn.
  • Buttons.They are used for decorative purposes, covering the junction of the arms and legs with the body (4 pieces to match the main fabric).

Bunny Lyubasha


Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the attached pattern diagram.
Bunny Lyubasha

When cutting, you can use scissors to trim the edges of the fabric in a zigzag pattern. In this case, the material will not crumble; ordinary tailor's scissors will do just fine. Seam allowances - 0.5 cm.
1. Preparation. The parts are printed and cut out from paper.
2. Cut the fabric. The fabric is folded in half with the right side facing inward. The pieces are pinned, seam allowances are marked, and then cut out.
Bunny Lyubasha

An interesting option is when 2 ear parts are cut out of fabric, and 2 more parts are made of lace. As a result, the front part of the ears will be lace, and the back part will be fabric.
3. Stitching body parts. The body parts are folded right side inward and stitched around the entire perimeter. Exception: place for ears at an equal distance from the middle of the head, bottom of the product. The legs and arms are sewn together so that one side remains open. The ears are folded with the right side inward and stitched along the entire perimeter, except for the top line.
Bunny Lyubasha

4. Filling the body with padding polyester. The parts are turned inside out and carefully stuffed with filler through the open cuts. They are then hand stitched with fine stitches, except for the ear area.
Bunny Lyubasha

5. Connecting body parts. If the product looks like a primitive toy, then all parts of the body are sewn on - arms, legs, ears. If the bunny is wearing a dress, the handles are not sewn on yet.
Bunny Lyubasha

6. Making a dress. Take a rectangular piece of fabric (length - about 38 cm, width - 8 cm). You can trim the bottom of the dress with lace.The rectangle is folded with the right side inward and stitched along the seam. The upper cut is finished with a hem seam. The product is turned inside out, resulting in a processed rectangle of fabric, without open cuts.
Bunny Lyubasha

7. Sewing the dress to the body. The fabric is put on the bunny and hand-sewn to the body. In this case, the upper cut is gathered into folds.
Bunny Lyubasha

8. Sewing on handles. The handles are sewn on top of the dress. The joints are decorated with buttons, as are the legs.
Bunny Lyubasha

9. Finishing elements. You should decorate the top edge of the dress with lace, this will cover the junction. The ears can be complemented with bows or lace flowers. Eyes - beads and a nose - are sewn onto the muzzle.
Bunny Lyubasha

10. Making a heart. From red fabric, 2 heart parts are cut out, which are folded with the front side inward. The parts are stitched, turned inside out and filled with padding polyester. The section left for stuffing is sewn up by hand. The heart is sewn to the paws with neat stitches.
Bunny Lyubasha

Bunny Lyubasha is ready, she is the personification of love and tenderness!
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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