Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

On the eve of every holiday, the question arises about an appropriate gift, and you always want to give something extraordinary and memorable.
We can choose it in the store, or we can create it ourselves from the things we have on hand. And then a piece of our soul will remain in the memorable gift, and the wish coming from the heart will be much more pleasant for its recipient.
I offer as a gift souvenir a small weight with a wish of happiness and decorated with multi-colored flowers and stars.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

You can come up with any inscription, the main thing is that it suits the occasion and can fit on the weight.
In our case, there is symbolism and unusualness when we write “Pound of Happiness” on a two-hundred-gram weight. Thus small in size present acquires a different, higher value.
We will need:
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

  • Small weight kettlebell
  • acrylic paints, including gold,
  • natural and artificial brushes of different diameters,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • finely sharpened soft pencil, eraser,
  • sanding sponge,
  • primer for acrylic paints.

Manufacturing method

1.We take a small weight, in our case weighing 200 grams, and a sanding sponge of medium abrasiveness and process the surface.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

Instead of a special sanding sponge, you can use steel wool to clean dishes.
When using black iron weights, at this stage we first remove the surface from a layer of rust, if any. And then sand it if necessary.
2. For the next stage, we will prepare a sanded weight, primer for acrylic paints and a large diameter brush. It is better to take a synthetic brush.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

Cover the weight with soil.

3. Take a weight and either a low-abrasive sanding sponge or sandpaper.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

Grind the soil layer. Please keep in mind that you must proceed with extreme caution. Unlike wood, plywood or cardboard, primer is not absorbed into metal surfaces, so even with light pressure from the sanding sponge, the primer can be wiped clean.
If necessary, prime the surface several times and wait for the applied layer to dry before applying the next one.
4. Let's get white acrylic paint, preferably matte, and a nylon brush.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

And cover the weight with paint.
We opt for matte paint, since glossy paint is more difficult to apply with a pencil.
5. Take a colored weight, a pencil and an eraser.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

We apply a pre-designed drawing.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

In our case, we draw stars and flowers, and in the foreground on one side is the inscription “Pound of Happiness.”
6. For the new stage we will need gold acrylic paint and a brush.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

We paint the weight, trying not to go into the lines of the inscriptions and drawings.
If the gold paint has a good dense consistency, then the stage with white paint can be skipped and the design can be applied directly to the ground.
7. Let's proceed to the main stage.We paint the weight with bright, different colors. It is better to use brushes No. 1 or No. 2; for drawing small details, choose natural ones according to the composition.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

8. After applying the main design, mix yellow and gold paints and carefully paint the background, carefully tracing the drawings.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

This is necessary to create a more even, rich and voluminous background color.
9. Lastly, varnish the surface of the weight with acrylic varnish.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

It is advisable to apply at least three layers of varnish. Do not forget to follow the instructions for the varnish and wait the required time to apply subsequent layers.
Our weight is ready.
Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

Painting kettlebells as a souvenir

This gift can be given to anyone for almost any occasion. Its versatility lies in its small size, pleasant wishes and originality.
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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