How to make a mouse out of paper

Not every child has seen a real mouse. But thanks to fairy tales and illustrations for them, he will unmistakably find this animal in the pictures among other characters.
To get acquainted with this rodent, invite your child to make a mouse out of paper. Most likely, he will be completely delighted with this idea!
The mouse assembly diagram is simple, so even a preschooler (with your help, of course) can easily cope with this interesting task.
How to make a mouse out of paper

For crafts you will need a square sheet of single-sided or double-sided colored paper in a suitable color.

Sequence of folding a paper mouse

Prepare a square sheet of paper.
How to make a mouse out of paper

If the paper is single-sided, turn it over with the white side facing up. Fold in half diagonally and then unfold.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Fold the top and bottom sides of the square toward the middle, folding both sides in half diagonally. You will get a rhombus.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Also bend the short sides of the diamond diagonally towards the middle. Iron the folds.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Return the newly bent parts of the workpiece to their original position.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Grasp the corner of the sheet, bend it to the left, connecting the top and bottom edges of the paper together.You should have a right angle at the fold.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Carefully iron the top of the sheet, making a fold along the dotted line and along the finished fold on the right.
The top of the sheet should lie neatly on the bottom like this.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Fold the opposite side of the workpiece in the same way.
In the middle of the craft, two movable triangles will be formed, on each of which a fold will be visible, passing through the top to the edge of the sheet.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Fold half of the triangle along this fold inside the craft.
In this case, the edge of the bent part will look out.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Do the same with the second movable triangle.
After this, in the middle of the workpiece you will have a small protrusion consisting of two small triangles. These are the future mouse ears.
How to make a mouse out of paper

To form the mouse's head, bend the left side of the elongated diamond inward approximately 2/3 of the length (along the dotted line).
How to make a mouse out of paper

Draw a line from the center point of the workpiece to the upper corner. Do the same on the opposite side.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Fold the shaded parts of the part under the craft.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Fold the workpiece horizontally in half.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Bend the upper part of the moving part to the right at an acute angle (as shown in the photo).
How to make a mouse out of paper

Spread the edges of the part in the form of a bag, forming an eye. Make the second ear the same.
Decide on the length of the mouse's body and tail. To do this, draw a line parallel to the left edge of the workpiece, stepping back approximately 1 cm to the right from the fold located across the craft.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Fold the right side of the craft along the dotted line to the left.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Return to original position. Turn it out along the folds.
How to make a mouse out of paper

How to make a mouse out of paper

Bend the sharp long part of the craft (the future tail) to the right, bend 3/4 of its length between both sides of the folded figurine so that you can draw a straight line along the base of the craft to the sharp corner on its right side.
How to make a mouse out of paper

Bend the lower protruding part of the figure inward. In the photo it is shaded
The mouse is almost ready.
How to make a mouse out of paper

All that remains is to draw the mouse’s face.
How to make a mouse out of paper

This is such a funny and inquisitive mouse made from one piece of paper!
How to make a mouse out of paper
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