DIY yellow plush rabbit

You can make a good toy with your own hands from scrap materials or present for children for a holiday (birthday, New Year). We made a beautiful plush bunny from a yellow viscose napkin.
To work with the toy, I needed seven days of time, as well as materials and tools: paper for making a template, thread, needle, filler (cotton wool), black and beige leather fabric, translucent multi-colored tape, glue and a brown bead.
DIY yellow plush rabbit

To sew such a rabbit, you first need to find a pattern for it. A sample can be selected on the Internet and divided into separate components - details:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

Now I take both head pieces and cut them apart.
I divide the details of the head and ears into three component parts, add the forehead and the back of the head to them, and, pinning these samples to the fabric, cut out the details taking into account the allowance:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

I decided to make the detail of the beige muzzle, which should be under the nose of the future rabbit, wider in order to make the toy’s head larger.
Now I take the ear parts (the leftmost part is the back one, and the middle and rightmost part are the front ones):
DIY yellow plush rabbit

I need to sew these parts, and first I start sewing the front parts of the ears:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

I sew the resulting parts of the front sides of the ears with the parts of the back sides and fill them with cotton wool. From two side parts of the head, a long rectangular part of the forehead and nose (I will complement it with a second rectangular part that will pass through the back of the head), and from a part of the muzzle I sew a head for a future toy. And then I cut out eyes from black leather fabric and glue them to it:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

I fill the resulting head with cotton wool and cut out a nose detail from beige leather fabric, which I then glue to the craft:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

This is how the resulting toy head looks from the side:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

Next I start sewing the body and neck. First I sew the neck piece:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

I sew the resulting neck part to the body, and then sew the upper part of the body parts:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

Moving on to sewing the parts of the rabbit’s paws, I attach two more (halved) paw parts to them from the inside and sew them together (so that in the end we get not two paws, but four):
DIY yellow plush rabbit

Having sewn the paws, I turn the craft right side out and fill it with cotton wool:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

Now you can sew the head part to the body part:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

From yellow fabric I cut out two parts to make up the ponytail:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

I sew a short tail from these parts and fill it with cotton wool:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

I sew the resulting tail to the toy, and then decorate its neck with a multi-colored ribbon (I tie a bow at the back):
DIY yellow plush rabbit

After that, that’s it: our toy can be considered ready:
DIY yellow plush rabbit

DIY yellow plush rabbit

DIY yellow plush rabbit

I decided to replace the small fabric spout, which, being pressed a little inward, is almost invisible, with a small round brown bead. After I sewed it on, the toy looked like this (front view):
DIY yellow plush rabbit

After that, that’s it, our handmade toy rabbit is ready.
(With respect, Vorobyova Dinara)
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