Cat - a toy made of threads

You can make different toys from knitting threads. Using threads of different colors, it is easy to make a bear cub or a chicken, a bunny or a piglet. Making such toys does not take much time. For example, even a child can make a small funny cat.

thread toy

To make this toy you will need:
- knitting threads in white and black colors;
- thick paper or cardboard;
- compass;
- sharp nail scissors;
- needle and thread for sewing;
- rope or thick decorative cord;
- pink bead;
- eyes for toys or black beads,
- white felt,
- pink satin ribbon;
- thin lace in black or blue.

The procedure for making a cat toy.
1. On thick paper, draw two rings with an outer diameter of 6.5 cm and an inner diameter of 1.5 cm. Using nail scissors, carefully cut out the rings from the paper.

cut rings

2. Place the rings together and wrap them tightly with white knitting threads until the inner hole of the ring is filled with threads.

wrap rings with white thread

3. Using sharp nail scissors, cut the threads along the edge of the rings.

cut the threads along the edge of the rings

4.Take a piece of white thread, stretch it between the rings, wrap it several times and tie it tightly into a knot.

Trim the pompom with scissors

5. Remove the paper rings and you will have a fluffy pom pom. Trim the pompom with scissors so that it acquires the correct round shape.

Trim it with scissors

6. Now you need to make a black pompom, just a little smaller than the white one. To do this, cut out two rings from thick paper with an outer diameter of 6 cm and an inner diameter of 1.5 cm. Fold the paper rings together and wrap them tightly with black thread. Cut the threads along the edge. Take a piece of black thread, wrap it between the rings and tie it tightly. Remove the paper rings and you will have a small black pompom. Trim it with scissors.

Tie black and white together tightly

7. Tie the black and white pompoms tightly together.

Trim excess threads

8. Trim excess threads.

cat's hind legs

9. Take two pieces of rope or decorative cord, each 14 cm long. Tie a knot at the ends of the segments. These will make the front and back legs of the cat.

cat's hind legs

10. Try on the strings to the pompoms and sew them to the pompoms with a few stitches. In this case, you need to ensure that the length of the legs is the same.

leg length

11. Cut two small triangles from white felt - these will be the cat’s ears.

cat ears

12. Try the ears on the head and secure them with a few stitches.

Cat toy made of thread

13. Sew on a pink bead nose. Glue on ready-made eyes purchased at a children's art store (if there are no such eyes, you can sew two black beads).

Cat toy made of thread

14. Tie the cat a bow from a pink satin ribbon.

Cat toy made of thread

15. Take the lace, fold it in half and tie a knot at the end. Sew a lace to the head of the toy.

Cat toy made of thread

The thread toy is ready.Children can play with the cat, teenagers can use it as a pendant to decorate a bag or backpack, and this toy can also be hung in the car.

Cat toy made of thread
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