Energy bars

Surely each of us has faced the problem of not having time to eat properly! Such periods are very harmful to our body and threaten various stomach diseases. But luckily I found a very good way to avoid all this! Make yourself Energy Bars. This dish is prepared very quickly and easily! And most importantly, it reduces the risk of compromising your health!
So, for cooking we need:
  • Oatmeal -200 g.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Nuts -100 g.
  • Raisins-50 g.
  • Med-80 g.

First of all, pour boiling water over the raisins and let them sit for 5 minutes to wash off all the dirt.
Energy bars

In the meantime, take 80 grams of honey and put it in a water bath, this will make the honey more fluid and make the cooking process much easier.
Energy bars

Well, the third preparatory stage is soaking the oatmeal. They need to be poured with a glass of milk and left for five minutes! If we skip this step and use dry flakes, our bar will be dry and not so pleasant to eat.
Energy bars

It's raisin time! If you have a blender, then we load it there and grind it, but if this is not possible, then we cut it in half with a knife and put it in a deep plate! In principle, you don’t have to cut it, but then the raisins should be quite small!
Energy bars

Nuts also need to be chopped!
Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and put nuts in it. Then we roll it with a rolling pin!
And as a result, we get nuts of a smaller fraction.
Energy bars

Energy bars

After 5 minutes! We squeeze out the excess milk from our oatmeal and put it on a plate.
Energy bars

Don't forget about banana. First, cut it into pieces, and then press it with a fork until a uniform mass is obtained.
Energy bars

When all the ingredients are in the plate, remove the honey from the bath and pour it into the plate as well. After which, mix everything very well! If the mass is poorly mixed, the bar will not be uniform and, therefore, not as tasty.
Energy bars

Energy bars

When everything is ready. Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, place the mixture on a baking sheet and level it with a spoon to a thickness of 8-10 mm. And put it in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
Energy bars

After the time has passed, take out the dish and cut into 10 cm pieces. Important! Cut the bars while hot, because after cooling, this will be problematic.
Energy bars

That's it, our nutritious dish is ready! It is very convenient to take it with you to study or work.
Energy bars

PS: This is the easiest energy bar recipe ever! Its ingredients can be varied or even changed! You can, for example, remove the banana and put dried apricots, prunes, and dates there. You can add a little chocolate, then the bar will acquire a very pleasant smell.In general, experiment with the ingredients and write in the comments which combination turned out the most delicious! Bon appetit and have a nice day!
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Comments (1)
  1. Honey should not be heated
    #1 Honey should not be heated Guests January 21, 2018 00:40
    Honey can be slightly warmed up to make it more fluid, but you can’t put it in the oven, and all cakes and other confectionery products are very harmful if there is overheated honey because it becomes toxic