A method for emergency blood pressure reduction without drugs using plastic bottles

Hypertensive patients and elderly people suffer from periodic increases in blood pressure. This is accompanied by poor health, and in severe cases can lead to extremely undesirable consequences, including a heart attack. To avoid this, you need to quickly reduce the pressure. This can be done without medications in a simple and affordable way.
A method for emergency blood pressure reduction without drugs using plastic bottles

Necessary equipment:

  • 2 plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 l;
  • warm, non-scalding water;
  • tonometer.

Emergency blood pressure reduction

You need to fill the bottles with warm water. It should not be very hot and cause discomfort when touched. It is better to check the temperature not with your palm, since the skin on it is rough, but with your forearm.

To reduce blood pressure, you need to lie comfortably on the bed. One bottle is placed under the neck in the collar area, and the second under the knees. To enhance the effect, the bottles must directly touch the skin.
A method for emergency blood pressure reduction without drugs using plastic bottles

In these zones there are large blood lines, which expand when heated. As a result, the volume of the circulatory system increases, which, against the background of a constant amount of blood, is accompanied by a rapid decrease in pressure.

The method is very effective, so it is important not to overdo it. You cannot overexpose the bottles so that the pressure does not become low. It needs to be measured every 2-3 minutes with a tonometer. As soon as the pressure begins to normalize, the bottles are removed. After this, it continues to decrease, but slowly, until it becomes normal.

It is very important to relieve pressure with periodic monitoring of its indicators. In case of hypertension, its sharp significant decrease is undesirable, since it overloads the body.

This method is especially good in emergency situations, when you need to support the body until the ambulance arrives. An increase in pressure to a critical state is always provoked by abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, so the effect will not last long, and hypertension will return. This method is applicable primarily to prevent a pre-infarction state. The method only removes the symptom, but the problem remains and needs to be treated. Its beauty is that you can reduce blood pressure both for yourself and for another person. In this case, there is no need for medications, the use of which before the arrival of doctors may be undesirable.

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